
Is Latin America Ready to Cope with Climate Change?

As global temperatures continue to rise with the global community stalled on any way to stop them, countries must prepare to adapt to increasingly volatile environmental conditions.

Luis Ferreira

Event Summaries ˙

Measuring Up?

Measuring Up?

In 2009, some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean improved their PISA performance, but all ranked in the bottom third in all subjects tested.

Alejandro J. Ganimian

Reports ˙

The Challenge of Education Quality

Las pruebas de aprendizaje en América Latina muestran resultados preocupantes. ¿Cuáles son los principales retos que debe enfrentar la región para revertirlos?

Ariel Fiszbein

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Le Monde Diplomatique

Does the US Election Matter for Latin America?

Issues, policies, and experience have hardly mattered as the campaign offered round after round of personal insults, accusations of illegal and unsavory behavior, and damning indictments of US leaders and institutions.

Peter Hakim

˙ Politica Exterior

Nuevos proyectos de PREAL

Con dos nuevos proyectos inició PREAL sus actividades en el año 2001. Uno de ellos es el programa «Educación privada en América Latina: al servicio de las metas nacionales para el desarrollo de recursos humanos.» Su objetivo es, por una parte, identificar formas que ayudan a asegurar que la educación…

Reports ˙

Will the New US Aid Plan for Central America Be Successful?

Will Central American governments spend the money effectively? Do the countries in the isthmus have a good plan to fight the drug cartels?

Francisco Altschul, Francisco Villagrán de León, Kevin Casas-Zamora, James M. Meyer

1998 Program Report

1998 was a productive year for the Dialogue. Dialogue efforts were directed to generating new policy ideas and practical proposals for action, and getting them into the hands of public and private decision makers. The Dialogue also sought to assure that diverse Latin American and Caribbean voices and perspectives were…

Annual Reports ˙

Desarrollando estándares de contenido: creando un proceso para el cambio.

Líderes en todos los ámbitos del sistema educativo están desarrollando estándares para especificar aquéllo que los estudiantes deben saber y ser capaces de hacer en las principales áreas de contenidos. Los grupos locales y estatales, las organizaciones profesionales, y los consorcios de estados y distritos están diseñando estándares.   Descargue…

Reports ˙

Estándares para las escuelas norteamericanas: ¿Ayuda u obstáculo?

Los esfuerzos por reformar los colegios norteamericanos no son precisamente una novedad. Cuando en 1957 la Unión Soviética envió al Sputnik alrededor del globo terrestre, el Congreso Norteamericano dirigió su mirada a las escuelas para recobrar lo que creíamos tener: el liderazgo en el espacio. El movimiento de reforma currícular…

Elliot W. Eisner

Reports ˙

The Risks of the “Libyan Model”

President Obama deserves credit for pursuing a course in Libya that has – for now – yielded promising results. He did so at some political cost.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Colombiano

In Rebuilding Haiti, Improving Education Must Be a Priority

Haiti is not only the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it is also the least educated. Roughly half the population is illiterate. Only two-thirds of children who begin primary school complete it.

Jeffrey Puryear

˙ Latin America Advisor

Brazil’s Slow & Uncertain Shift

Over the last two decades, Brazil’s trade policy has centered on two main negotiations. Progress on both fronts, however, has been limited.

João Augusto de Castro Neves

Reports ˙

Has Obama Kept His Summit of the Americas Promises?

It was just over a year ago that leaders of 34 nations of the hemisphere gathered in Trinidad and Tobago for the Summit of the Americas. How much progress has been made in the past year on the goals expressed at the summit?

Michael Shifter, Bernardo Álvarez, Roger Noriega

Articles & Op-Eds ˙