
U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Jan. 20 in Mexico City to discuss Mexico’s oil-centric energy reforms. // Photo: @SecGranholm via Twitter.

What Would AMLO’s Power Sector Plan Mean for Mexico?

A Latin America Energy Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Mexican President López Obrador’s power sector plan.

Gerónimo Gutiérrez Fernández, Amy Glover Drake, Earl Anthony Wayne, Pamela Starr, Larry B. Pascal, Nicolas Lloreda

Energy Advisor ˙

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo (L), who has been in office just over six months, on Tuesday swore in his fourth prime minister, Aníbal Torres (R). Castillo also named new cabinet ministers. // Photo: Peruvian Government.

What Is Behind the Upheaval in Peru’s Government?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Peruvian President Pedro Castillo’s changing cabinet.

Cynthia McClintock, Augusto Álvarez-Rodrich, Mercedes Aráoz, Katya Rimkunas

Latin America Advisor ˙

Former Costa Rican President José María Figueres, pictured voting on Sunday, was the top vote-getter in the first round of the country’s presidential election on Sunday. He faces former Finance Minister Rodrigo Chaves in the runoff. // Photo: Figueres Campaign.

Who Has the Edge Ahead of Costa Rica’s Runoff Vote?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the first round of the Costa Rican presidential elections.

Francisco Chacón-González, Bruce M. Wilson, James Bosworth, Pablo Duncan-Linch, Carlos Denton

Latin America Advisor ˙

Chinchilla and Montaño Video

Chinchilla: “Cuando hablamos de los riesgos a la democracia, a veces se nos olvida que el pilar más fuerte es el pilar de la ciudadanía”

Décadas después del regreso de la democracia en la sociedad latinoamericana, muchos se preocupan por la aparente desintegración de normas electorales y civiles en la región. Laura Chinchilla, expresidenta de Costa Rica y co-chair del Diálogo Interamericano y César Montaño, el rector de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, hablan de la construcción de la democracia, y como la pandemia ha maximizado los problemas que existieron antes del año 2020.

Laura Chinchilla

Interviews ˙ ˙ Voz Andina Internacional

Report Cover

Climate Threats in the Northern Triangle: How the United States Can Support Community Resilience

Rural subsistence farmers, ethnic communities, women, and young people are disproportionately affected by climate change in the Northern Triangle, according to a report by the Inter-American Dialogue, which focuses on adaptation in the region with an emphasis on climate justice and mitigating the impacts on vulnerable communities.

Lisa Viscidi, MK Vereen

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, last month refused to rule out the possibility of the country sending military actors to Latin America. Members of Russia’s military are pictured. // File Photo: Russian Armed Forces.

What Are Russia’s Military Intentions in Latin America?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Russian interests and influence in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vicki Huddleston, Alexander Belezeko, Fabiana Perera, Douglas Farah

Latin America Advisor ˙

Photograph of Julissa Reynoso

Member in the News: Julissa Reynoso

Julissa Reynoso, former chief of staff to the First Lady Jill Biden and former US Ambassador to Uruguay, was sworn in by US Vice President Kamala Harris as US Ambassador to Spain and Andorra on January 6, 2022.

Julissa Reynoso

Member in the News ˙ ˙ Expansión

Photograph of Shifter and Jensen Video

Ahead of 2022 Elections, Recovery Options in Latin America

In his interview with the Georgetown Americas Institute, Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, talks with Muni Jensen, series host, about Latin America’s electoral agenda, the climate agenda, economic recovery, and his leadership at the Dialogue.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Georgetown Americas Institute

The next Summit of the Americas will be held in Los Angeles in June. The opening session of Qthe last summit, in Peru in 2018, is pictured. // File Photo: Peruvian Government.

What Would Make the Summit of the Americas a Success?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on what can be expected from the June 2022 Summit of the Americas.

Eric Garcetti, Peter Hakim, Roberta Lajous, Peter DeShazo, Rubens Barbosa

Latin America Advisor ˙

Photo of Manuel Orozco at the Inter-American Dialogue Office

Orozco: La gestión de Harris con respecto a lidiar con la ola migratoria ha sido mediocre.

Manuel Orozco, director del Programa de Migraciones, Remesas y Desarrollo del Diálogo Interamericano, compartió su análisis sobre la llegada de Xiomara Castro a la presidencia de Honduras. Durante la entrevista se converso tambien sobre el viaje de la vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos, Kamala Harris, al acto de inauguracion presidencial y las oportunidades para que se estreche la relacion entre ambos paises. 

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ Voz de America

Xiomara Castro is to take office today as Honduras’ first female president. Competing factions in her ruling Libre party have sought to install rival leaders of Congress. // File Photo: XiomaraCastroZ via Twitter.

Will Castro Be Able to Tame Honduras’ Strained Politics?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the outlook of Xiomara Castro’s presidency in Honduras.

Emily Mendrala, Juan Carlos Sikaffy, Christine Wade, Hugo Llorens, Lucas Perelló

Latin America Advisor ˙

Going Out, Guaranteed: Chinese Insurers in Latin America

In Latin America, China’s insurers are working to mitigate trade risks and support the broader needs of the many Chinese companies developing the Belt and Road Initiative.

Margaret Myers

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report