
¿Qué bastará para vencer sobre la corrupción en la región?

En los últimos años, la corrupción en América Latina y el Caribe ha atraído un nivel de atención sin precedentes, con jefes de estado de grandes y pequeños países destituidos de sus cargos debido a acusaciones de soborno, auto-enriquecimiento y el mal manejo de fondos públicos. Sin embargo, los defensores del aumento de la transparencia gubernamental y de la lucha contra la corrupción están preocupados que los cambios sean superficiales y que los enjuiciamientos de políticos de alto rango no hagan frente a los problemas estructurales que tienen que iniciarse para alcanzar el fin de la corrupción. ¿Está disminuyendo la voluntad popular y política para atacar la corrupción?

Nicolás Mariscal

Latin America Advisor ˙

Untangling the Future of NAFTA

On March 6th, The Dialogue hosted an open discussion on the future of NAFTA and the global impacts of its potential reform or repeal. Along with substantial political uncertainty about the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), there is also widespread confusion about the various options and scenarios for reform within the complicated architecture of the multilateral trading system. Many of the possible outcomes would have grave implications—not only for the economies of Mexico, the US, and Canada, but also for other major trading partners.

Danielle Edmonds

Event Summaries ˙


XVI Annual CAF Conference

The US relationship with Latin America took center stage at the XVI CAF Annual Conference

Mary Dempsey

Event Summaries ˙

Tristan Taussac / Flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

Una nueva era de reformas

Desde hace décadas, las exportaciones y los mercados de América Latina vienen respaldando los objetivos de la política interna de China

Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Inter-American Development Bank

Keeping Up with the BRICS

Have the Brics opened a new chapter in the evolution of global economic institutions?

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ China Policy Review

The Future of US-Brazil Relations

Can the US and Brazil rise above their differences and find reasons to cooperate more effectively?

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ International Affairs

A Future at Stake

There is consensus that education is vital for economic development, social progress and democracy strengthening. However, today, most children in Latin America and the Caribbean have no access to quality education. In fact, Latin-American schools are in crisis and are not educating the youth. Instead of contributing to progress, they…

Reports ˙

La región celebra la paz en Colombia

Este acuerdo de paz fue el resultado de cuatro años de negociaciones en La Habana, que tuvieron tensiones y contratiempos. Gran parte del mérito corresponde al gobierno de Santos, que impulsó los diálogos e invirtió todo su capital político en esta iniciativa.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Tercera

Drug Challenges in the Americas

Latin America has taken a leadership role in drug policy. It remains to be seen, however, if such impetus is sustained.

Marielle Coutrix

Event Summaries ˙

Private Conversation with El Salvador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugo Martínez

On Monday, December 5th, 2016, the Dialogue welcomed El Salvador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugo Martínez for a discussion on US-El Salvador relations in light of recent political developments in Central and North America. The discussion focused on the Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity of the Northern Triangle as the guiding policy of US engagement with El Salvador and the neighboring countries of Guatemala and Honduras.

Lily Welborn

Event Summaries ˙