The Demand for a Post-Pandemic Evaluation Agenda
The following document presents five recommendations developed by the Dialogue’s Civil Society Working Group on conducting educational assessments during school reopening after the pandemic.
The following document presents five recommendations developed by the Dialogue’s Civil Society Working Group on conducting educational assessments during school reopening after the pandemic.
The EdTech Working Group presents the main challenges and lessons learned in the use of technology to support teachers before and during the pandemic.
The Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence affirms the need to support teachers in the reopening of schools and presents seven recommendations to do so in a safe and comprehensive manner.
On March 18, the Dialogue hosted a webinar with UNICEF LAC, Atipay, and ECDAN where experts spoke about Peru’s experience developing and implementing a results-based budget for early childhood development.
The following document developed by the Dialogue’s Civil Society Working Group, details the main challenges and opportunities for collaboration in education between public sector entities and civil society as well as 5 recommendations on for strengthening those collaboration post-pandemic.
On April 15, the Dialogue’s Education Program and the World Bank held a webinar to share the results of a World Bank report on the educational impact of the pandemic on Latin American and Caribbean countries and discuss emerging lessons.
El 27 de abril, el programa de educación del Diálogo Interamericano convocó un seminario virtual para discutir el rol de las evaluaciones diagnósticas de aprendizajes para apoyar a los alumnos y los docentes en la reapertura de las escuelas.
The Working Group on Technology and Innovation in Education presents and analyzes the effective implementation and use of Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
El Salvador ha hecho grandes esfuerzos para implementar nuevas políticas públicas para responder a las necesidades de los niños y niñas en su país. Este informe, elaborado por UNICEF El Salvador y el Diálogo Interamericano, analiza el progreso de políticas de primera infancia en El Salvador.
El programa de educación del Diálogo Interamericano con el apoyo de la Fundación Tinker realizó un seminario virtual para compartir herramientas, estrategias y distintas alternativas existentes para medir las habilidades socioemocionales de los estudiantes durante la pandemia.
This impact study evaluates the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund success in achieving its goals to expand higher education collaboration and academic exchange in the Americas.
This study developed by Javier Quesada and Claudia Castro outlines a competency framework for care and education personnel as a common starting point that countries in the region can incorporate into their training and certification plans.
In this event, we presented the findings of a new impact study conducted by the Inter-American Dialogue and heard about the experiences of winning higher education institutions and donors that partnered with the 100K Fund.
In this report, the members of the Education Technology and Innovation Working Group call to continue investing in the innovative efforts that have been observed during this difficult period and to turn them into transformative, long-term strategies.
El 25 de mayo, la Consejería Presidencial para la Niñez y la Adolescencia, el ICBF, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, en colaboración con Diálogo Interamericano, CEPI, y con el apoyo de la Fundación LEGO convocó la primera sesión acerca de la calidad de la educación inicial en Colombia en contextos de crisis.