
Member in the News: Enrique García

Enrique García, co-vice chair of the Inter-American Dialogue, was awarded the “Enrique V. Iglesias” business award presented by King Felipe VI of Spain during the VVXI Ibero-American Summit in Guatemala. 

Enrique García, Europa Press

Member in the News ˙ ˙ Europa Press

No Strangers at the Gate 

A report presenting recommendations to countries and organizations contending with the Venezuelan migration and refugee crisis.

Michael Camilleri, Fen Osler Hampson

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report


Caravana de migrantes, Venezuela, elecciones en Brazil

En este episodio de Club de Prensa, Michael Shifter analizó el mensaje del presidente Maduro hacia su contraparte estadounidense sobre la caravana migrante, el plebiscito británico, las elecciones en Brasil y la situación argentina.

Michael Shifter, Gustau Alegret

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


Market Tailwinds and Political Headwinds for Latin American Energy

2018 has been a year marked by great political uncertainty for Latin American energy markets. Oil prices are up, creating strong incentives for investment, rising US natural gas exports are creating a new source of flexible, cheaper energy for Latin American consumers, and the cost of wind and solar energy is declining dramatically. However, Latin America continues to face uncertainty in energy policy as new governments take office in many countries and geopolitical tensions between the US and China are on the rise. With many questions on the table, government officials, corporate representatives, and analysts gathered on October 25 at the Inter-American Dialogue to assess the future of energy policy in the Western Hemisphere.

Nate Graham, Amy Iverson, Chris Kambhu

Event Summaries ˙


El negocio de las remesas, ¿un incentivo a la migración?

Las remesas son parte esencial del fenómeno migratorio y hay quienes cuestionan si estas son un incentivo para que los centroamericanos decidan migrar. Al respecto, Laura Porras, Asociada del Programa de Migración, Desarrollo y Remesas, explicó para CNN las causas de la migración centroamericana hacia Estados Unidos y el papel que juegan las remesas en este fenómeno mientras la caravana de migrantes se va acercando a Estados Unidos.

Laura Porras

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN

Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo (L-R) spent more than a year negotiating the modernization of the trilateral trade deal. // File Photo: Mexican Government.

How Does the New USMCA Deal Affect the Energy Sector?

How does USMCA, the new NAFTA deal, affect the energy sector? What are the biggest changes? Will it boost investment and cooperation?

Larry B. Pascal, Nicolás Borda, Pedro Niembro, Murray Smith, Luis Miguel Labardini, Clifford Sosnow

Energy Advisor ˙

Private Roundtable with Hugo de Zela

On September 21, 2018, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a private roundtable event featuring Hugo de Zela, the vice minister of Foreign Relations of Peru.

Jose Bernardo Reyes Facio

Event Summaries ˙

Member in the News: Eduardo Stein

On September 12, 2018, Eduardo Stein was named by the Secretary General of the United Nations as the Special Representative for Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees. 

Eduardo Stein

Member in the News ˙


Power and Politics: Crisis in Venezuela

Millions of Venezuelans are fleeing the crisis torn country into neighboring Colombia. How dire is the situation and could it get even worse? Dialogue President Michael Shifter discussed these questions on CBC’s Power & Politics with Vassy Kapelos.

Michael Shifter, Vassy Kapelos

Interviews ˙ ˙ CBC News


Michael Shifter en Foro Interamericano

En una entrevista con VOA, Michael Shifter discutió retos que América Latina encara hoy en día, como la innovación, el desarrollo y la integración, así como otros temas de gran magnitud como el éxodo venezolano y el papel de China en la región.

Michael Shifter, Gonzalo Abarca

Interviews ˙ ˙ VOA