

Is the Venezuela Crisis Becoming a Proxy Conflict?

While the crisis in Venezuela is primarily humanitarian in nature, international involvement has escalated to the point where a discussion of the geopolitics surrounding the issue is both appropriate and timely. To that end, the Inter-American Dialogue co-hosted a discussion on May 21 titled “Is the Venezuela Crisis Becoming a Proxy Conflict?” with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Paula Jaramillo

Event Summaries ˙

Promessas Não Cumpridas: A América-Latina Hoje

O volume tem uma visão ampla dos recentes desenvolvimentos sociais, políticos e econômicos na América Latina. Ele contém seis ensaios, focados em temas salientes e transversais, que tentam construir um fio ou uma narrativa sobre a região altamente diversificada, destacando suas principais idiossincrasias e analisando para onde ela deve se encaminhar nos próximos anos.

Laura Chinchilla, Catalina Botero, Robert Muggah, Augusto de la Torre, Alain Ize, George Gray Molina, Ana Covarrubias, Andrés Malamud, Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Books ˙ ˙ Promessas Não Cumpridas: A América-Latina Hoje

President Donald Trump last Thursday announced that the United States would impose new tariffs on imports from Mexico beginning June 10, saying the country has failed to stop flows of migrants from coming to the United States. // File Photo: White House.

Has Trump Gone Too Far With New Tariffs on Mexico?

What effect will the tariffs have on the economies of both countries, and how has the private sector reacted?

Andrés Rozental, Nicolás Mariscal, Tamara Kay, James R. Jones, Carlo Dade

Latin America Advisor ˙

En busca de una estrategia de inserción internacional para América Latina

Lo mejor que pueden hacer los actores políticos y sociales latinoamericanos es concebir una estrategia de inserción internacional en la que sus países sean actores y no simples receptores pasivos de oportunidades y amenazas generadas desde el exterior.

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Revista Pensamiento Iberoamericano

A Critical Moment in Venezuela

In January, the surprising emergence of Juan Guaidó as the opposition’s leader was followed by months of frenetic activity on the Venezuela crisis. Today there seems to be a pause in the high drama. It is in this context that former Chilean president, Michelle Bachelet, now the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, is making a three-day visit to Venezuela. Although it is hard to predict the final result of the visit, there is little doubt that both sides of this tragic and protracted stalemate will seek to take maximum political advantage.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Tercera


Cuba’s Sinking Economy – Causes, Consequences & Remedies

On July 11, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an extended discussion on “Cuba’s Sinking Economy – Causes, Consequences & Remedies” with Ambassador Vicki Huddleston, the former chief of the US interest section in Havana, and Dr. Carmelo Mesa-Lago, an economist and Cuba expert at the University of Pittsburg.

Ethan Knecht

Event Summaries ˙

A Conversation with Luis Vicente León

On July 24, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an extended discussion in partnership with Freedom House with Luis Vicente León, the president of Datanálisis, on the crisis in Venezuela.

Ethan Knecht

Event Summaries ˙