El presente número del Boletín del Observatorio de Políticas de Evaluación Educativa tiene como propósito informar acerca del uso de medidas de valor agregado para valorar el trabajo de escuelas y docentes. Dicho uso es creciente en los Estados Unidos y en el Reino Unido, países que cuentan con grandes…
We live in times of change: sociological, economic, moral, demographic and cultural changes, that are constantly challenging the ability of balance, integration and innovation of societies and systems. How do these changes affect schools and the way they train teachers? How should we rethink the work of teachers under these new…
En el contexto de las reformas implementadas en el sistema de educación pública de Chicago desde inicios de los 90, se desarrolló el “marco de apoyos esenciales para el mejoramiento escolar”, que plantea que la mejora de la escuela requiere de un trabajo sistemático en cinco frentes: el liderazgo como…
Si mejorar la calidad de la educación pública es siempre un desafío, hacerlo en distritos escolares que, comparados con el nivel nacional, presentan un importante rezago en los logros y cuentan con altos niveles de pobreza, es un reto aun mayor. Este ha sido el contexto de las reformas que…
The concept of teaching skills has been gradually gaining greater acceptance around the world, contributing to initial training, continuous professional development and teacher evaluation. The essential concept underlying this work is the following: if teachers are required to meet high competence standards, then it is necessary to define what high…
La calificación de los estudiantes (la asignación de notas) es uno de los principales problemas de la evaluación en la región, al que se ha otorgado escasa atención o se lo ha encarado en forma inapropiada, abordando exclusivamente sus aspectos más superficiales, como el establecimiento de la escala de notas. Descargue…
This report discusses teacher professional development (dpd) policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. It identifies the main problems of the dpd policies and analyzes the encouraging initiatives to promote the continuous professional development of teachers and to influence the improvement of education in the region.
En este nuevo ciclo, el programa trabajará a partir de fortalezas y espacios construidos a lo largo de 15 años de actividad, así como de las lecciones aprendidas en sus distintos campos de trabajo. Descargue el documento completo abajo.
The teacher performance evaluation is a reality that seems to be here to stay in an important and growing majority of Latin American countries. A working paper by UNESCO (Murillo, 2007) finds that only two countries in the region –Nicaragua and Paraguay- have not yet considered the design and implementation…
As noted by several authors, teaching careers in the early twentieth century were considered highly prestigious. However, this condition has changed over time, and now is associated with negative aspects, such as work overload, fatigue, uncertainty or new training requirements.
Entre octubre del 2008 y junio del 2009, la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación de Logros de Aprendizaje (IEA: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement1) llevó a cabo el Estudio Internacional de Educación Cívica y Formación Ciudadana (ICSS2 por sus siglas en inglés), cuyo propósito es investigar la manera en…
In collaboration with the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL), the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Guatemala designed and implemented the project “Supporting Informed Dialogue on Second- Generation Education Policy Reforms” from 2008-2010. Through studies, workshops, discussions, consultations, and other ways of raising awareness and…
In collaboration with the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL) a consortium of organizations including the Center for Research in Education and Human Development (CIEDHUMANO) of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUCMM), the Faculty for Latin American Social Sciences (FLACSO-DR), and Action for Basic Education (EDUCA) developed an initiative…
In collaboration with the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL), the Private Sector Council for Educational Assistance (CoSPAE) initiated the “Competencies for Strengthening Leadership and Management in Panamanian Schools” project to improve the quality of basic education by establishing a policy for the professionalization of school principals and…
In 2008, the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL) and the Ricardo Ernesto Maduro Andreu Educational Foundation (FEREMA) began the project “Education Policy Reform for Quality and Efficiency in Honduras,” designed to improve education policy in the country. The project contributed two lines of action in the educational…