
Photo of Venezuelans holding their flag

Venezuela’s Election Faces Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles

Venezuelans are eager to vote in the July 28 presidential election. While most lack the time or energy to take to the streets and protest the country’s ongoing crisis, reliable polls indicate that they will mobilize to vote—and will vote for change.

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Americas Quarterly

Photo of Panelists Corruption in Venezuela Event

Navigating Corruption: Implications for Venezuela’s Future

Venezuela’s presidential elections are taking place on July 28, 2024. While focusing on electoral conditions is essential, whoever governs the country in the next term will do so in a nation plagued by corruption. Addressing both is crucial for the country’s future.

Daniel Caballero

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of Panelists at Security Event in Uruguay Video

The Security Challenge for Democracies in Latin America

Citizen insecurity and illicit economies are serious issues in Latin America and the Caribbean, prompting urgent demands from the public for solutions. In response, mano dura policies have been implemented, which have reduced violence but at a significant cost to the rule of law and human rights. It is necessary to develop and promote alternatives that are both effective and democratic.

Daniel Caballero, Sofía Lopes

Event Summaries ˙

Foto de Tamara Taraciuk Broner en entrevista con CNN Video

Taraciuk Broner: “El sistema de justicia mexicano requiere una reforma para despolitizarlo, pero eso no se consigue con esta reforma constitucional”

La directora del Programa sobre Estado de Derecho, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, conversó con Fernando del Rincón en CNN sobre el paquete de reformas constitucionales al sistema judicial, conocido como “Plan C”, presentadas por el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador al Congreso.

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN Español

Foto de Tamara Taraciuk Broner en entrevista con Desayunos Informales Video

Taraciuk Broner: “La gente quiere respuestas a sus problemas. Si no se los da la democracia y se los dan otros, van a votar por otros”

La directora del Programa sobre Estado de Derecho, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, conversó en Teledoce sobre los desafíos en materia de inseguridad en Uruguay considerando el contexto electoral, los riesgos de la implementación de políticas de mano dura, y la necesidad de desarrollar políticas de seguridad democráticas.

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Interviews ˙ ˙ Teledoce, Desayunos Informales

Cover Photo Uruguay Policy Brief

Uruguay: Insecurity and Organized Crime

On June 4, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program and Ágora published a policy brief, “Uruguay: Insecurity and Organized Crime.” This is the first policy brief in a series on security policies and the rule of law in the region launched by the Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program.

Ines Fynn, Juan Pablo Luna

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Policy Brief (in Spanish)

Foto de panelistas en evento Medios y Democracia Video

Media and Democracy in the Americas VI: Independent Journalism in the Face of Democratic Decline in the Region

Amid the democratic decline in Latin America, independent journalism emerges as a crucial counterbalance, constantly facing risks and challenges. To protect independent journalism, it is necessary to explore collaboration networks, physical and technological protection measures, funding strategies, and international cooperation mechanisms.

Daniel Caballero, Guzmán Pérez

Event Summaries ˙

Mexico Report Cover

A Threat to Judicial Independence: Constitutional Reform Proposals in Mexico

On May 2, 2024, the Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program, the Stanford Law School’s Rule of Law Impact Lab, and the Mexican Bar Association released a report analyzing the constitutional reform proposals presented by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Mexican Congress in February 2024. The report concludes that the proposals directed at the federal judiciary constitute a direct threat to judicial independence.

Daniel Caballero, Adriana García

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Photo of podcast in the Room Video

Taraciuk Broner: “Venezuela has been in crisis for a long time, but it has not always made headlines”

Tamara Taraciuk Broner, director of the Rule of Law program, participated in the podcast “Where Did the Migrant Crisis Come From?” on In the Room with Peter Bergen. She discussed the context and causes of the Venezuelan humanitarian and migration crisis, as well as the use of the lifting of US sanctions as leverage for fair elections.

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Podcasts ˙ ˙ In the Room with Peter Bergen

Panelists photo Venezuela Primaries event Video

Elections Series – The Future of Venezuela Post-Opposition Primaries

The Venezuelan opposition primaries saw a remarkable turnout, with over 2.3 million voters, resulting in María Corina Machado’s victory despite her disqualification by the regime. The Barbados Agreement and the lifting of US sanctions offer a potential breakthrough for establishing some electoral conditions. However, a transition of power cannot occur without a clear and coherent path forward beyond election day.

Daniel Caballero

Event Summaries ˙

Foto de Tamara Taraciuk en entrevista con El Pitazo Video

Taraciuk Broner: “El régimen de Maduro está intentando cambiar las reglas del juego y el punto de partida de la negociación”

Tamara Taraciuk Broner, directora del programa sobre Estado de Derecho, conversó con Liz Gazcón en El Pitazo, sobre cuál es el futuro de las negociaciones con el régimen de Maduro, así como respecto a los incentivos que se podrían generar para una posible transición democrática en el país. 

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Pitazo

Panelists at Wall Street Event at the Dialogue Video

Wall Street’s Influence on Democracy in Latin America

While the market inherently lacks the ability to discriminate between democratic and undemocratic regimes, the identification of autocracy as a tangible risk factor is crucial. Investors must recognize that supporting non-democratic regimes ultimately undermines their own interests.

Daniel Caballero

Event Summaries ˙