Urban Sustainable Development: Governance, Finance and Politics

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Urban Sustainable Development: Governance, Finance, and Politics addresses conceptual debates on multilevel governance, the role of local governments, and financial mechanisms for green initiatives. With over 20 chapters and contributions from academics, government leaders, and sustainable finance experts, the book offers a comprehensive and practical view of the challenges and solutions for sustainable urban development.

Dialogue President and CEO, Rebecca Bill Chavez, authored the chapter, Bridging the Gender Digital Divide in the Americas: An In-Depth Look at the Municipal Level. Chavez argues that bridging the gender digital divide will help address economic disparities and advance women’s financial inclusion. She contends that access to technology and digital skills creates economic opportunities that can be transformative for women. By participating in the digital economy women gain concrete benefits such as employment, income, credit, financial services, and educational opportunities. Moreover, Chavez emphasizes that digital participation provides autonomy and progress toward exercising personal agency in today’s digital world.

The book is the result of a collaborative effort between the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and the Rio de Janeiro City Hall, with contributions from Global Knowledge Partner Institutions, including the Rio G20 Committee, the Penn Institute for Urban Research (Penn IUR), the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), the Columbia Global Center Rio de Janeiro, the Inter-American Dialogue, and the Atlantic Council.


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