

Trump y Bolsonaro, Venezuela, Caricom

En este episodio de Club de Prensa, Michael Shifter analizó la actualidad del hemisferio. Entre los temas que analizo estaban la reunión entre Trump y Bolsonaro, la reunión de Trump con el Caricom, las relaciones de China con America Latina, los rumores sobre la relección de AMLO y la Justicia Especial para la Paz.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


La dañada industria energética en Venezuela

Directora del Programa de Energía Lisa Viscidi habló con El Financiero TV sobre la grave condición de la industria energética en Venezuela, las medidas que serían necesarias para recuperarla y las barreras para lograrlo.

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Financiero TV


Congressional Testimony: Prohibiting Unauthorized Military Action in Venezuela Act

As a close observer of the region, I am deeply troubled by the humanitarian crisis and the dramatic unraveling of democracy under Nicolás Maduro, a brutal and corrupt dictator. A core question raised by this hearing is whether the United States should use military force to remove Maduro from power in Venezuela. My answer, which reflects the position of many other U.S. defense and foreign policy experts, is no. The negative consequences of military action to Venezuela, to the region, and to the interests of the United States are clear and foreseeable.

Rebecca Bill Chavez

Congressional Testimony ˙


The International Standoff Over Venezuela

Energy Program Director Lisa Viscidi went on CGTN to discuss the latest developments in the increasingly international debate over how to peacefully resolve the crisis in embattled Venezuela. 

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN


Myers: China-Venezuela decision-making “will be very pragmatic in nature.”

As the situation in Venezuela continues to unfold, Phoenix TV spoke with the Director of the Dialogue’s Asia & Latin America Program Margaret Myers on China’s position regarding the ongoing Venezuelan crisis, as well as how China’s approach to the country differs from Russia’s.

Margaret Myers

Interviews ˙ ˙ Phoenix Television


The Political and Humanitarian Crises in Venezuela

Energy Program Director Lisa Viscidi spoke with CGTN about US sanctions on Venezuela and the effects they are having, both in terms of raising the pressure on Nicolás Maduro and heightening the risk of deepening the country’s humanitarian crisis. 

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN

Reviving Venezuela’s Oil Industry Is Easier Said Than Done

Even if Juan Guaido or another opposition figure finally takes the reins and starts fixing the oil sector in Venezuela, it will take years before oil exports can provide the economic boost needed to pull the nation out of the morass. Venezuela’s oil industry has been severely damaged, and there are questions about the long-term economic viability of its oil fields. Venezuelans will likely be disappointed with the pace of the economic turnaround under any new government—a risk that poses a real threat to political stability. Expectations ought to be tempered.

Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Politics Review

What Does 2019 Hold for Economies in Latin America?

What does 2019 hold in store for Latin American economies? Which countries will perform well economically, and which will struggle, and why?

Richard Francis, Joydeep Mukherji, Alfredo Coutiño, Marcos Casarin

Latin America Advisor ˙

CSIS Video

What Will AMLO and Bolsonaro Do To Energy Markets?

New leaders in Mexico and Brazil may mean big changes to their respective energy sectors. Lisa Viscidi tells Richard Miles of CSIS that a Mexican delay on offshore bidding could have a major impact, but that Brazil is likely to maintain the status quo. Venezuela could take years to recover production once it emerges from its current crisis, given the massive investment required to reverse declining oil output.

Lisa Viscidi, Richard Miles

Interviews ˙ ˙ Center for Strategic & International Studies

What Did Maduro Accomplish on His Trip to China?

China this month agreed to extend $5 billion in credit to Venezuela as the South American country faces severe economic problems including hyperinflation and dire shortages of food, medicines and basic goods. Finance Minister Simón Zerpa announced the credit line as President Nicolás Maduro was departing for China to seek…

Margaret Myers, Asdrúbal Oliveros, Ray Walser

Latin America Advisor ˙

Maduro // File Photo: Venezuelan Government.

What Will Result From Venezuela’s Drone Explosions?

Venezuela’s government has made several arrests in what they say was an attempt to assassinate Maduro. What does it all mean?

Evan Ellis, Eva Golinger, Gustavo Roosen, Steve Ellner

Latin America Advisor ˙