
El atardecer de la era democrática

La política enfrenta hoy una competencia mucho mayor que en el pasado para atraer a la mejor gente.

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Latin America Goes Global

A Future at Stake

There is consensus that education is vital for economic development, social progress and democracy strengthening. However, today, most children in Latin America and the Caribbean have no access to quality education. In fact, Latin-American schools are in crisis and are not educating the youth. Instead of contributing to progress, they…

Reports ˙

“La OEA no va a invocar la Carta Democrática”

Michael Shifter no cree que los gobiernos que integran la OEA vayan a aceptar invocar la Carta Democrática –como lo ha insinuado el secretario general del organismo, Luis Almagro– contra Venezuela, porque temen que activar este mecanismo pueda afectarlos a ellos mismos en un futuro.

Michael Shifter, Sergio Gómez Maseri

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Tiempo

Argentina’s National and Regional Development: A New Path Forward?

Regional development is the key for Argentina’s future. The new administration has developed long-term plans to eliminate poverty and inequality in Argentina. The priority is to generate efficient and sustainable programs by strengthening institutions, promoting dialogue and integration with provincial governments, and focusing on quality.

Laura Campiglia de Méndez

Event Summaries ˙

Obama & the Haitian Earthquake

When Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake, the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama quickly absorbed the depth of the tragedy and necessity of a robust U.S. response. Unless the U.S. adopts a proactive role, Haiti’s fragmented political landscape threatens to deteriorate into a political vacuum that will compound the current crisis.

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ FOCAL Point

Principles and Practices of Educational Vouchers

We talk about a system of educational vouchers, when governments grant families payments that allow them to enroll their children in either public or private schools. These payments, which are financed through taxes, can be made ​​directly to parents or indirectly to schools. The objective is to increase the possibilities of…

Edwin G. West

Reports ˙

The Twilight of the Democratic Age

Will the leaders of our democracies rise to the demands of this exasperated citizenry, ready to set fire to the temple? Perhaps, but the prospects are not bright.

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Latin America Goes Global

Incidence of Taxes and Social Spending

How much do the Western Hemisphere’s two largest economies, Brazil and the US, redistribute through social spending and taxes?

Nora Lustig, Timothy Smeeding, Whitney Ruble, Sean Higgins

Reports ˙