This article analyses financial access in El Salvador, delving into its characteristics and determinants. The article also presents the impact of a financial inclusion strategy to increase savings formalization rates among the population. The analysis is based on a financial advising project for more than 17,000 Salvadorans at branches of…
En los últimos años casi todos los países latinoamericanos impulsaron transformaciones que llevaron a un escenario educativo actual bastante más favorable que el de décadas pasadas.
There is consensus that education is vital for economic development, social progress and democracy strengthening. However, today, most children in Latin America and the Caribbean have no access to quality education. In fact, Latin-American schools are in crisis and are not educating the youth. Instead of contributing to progress, they…
Michael Shifter no cree que los gobiernos que integran la OEA vayan a aceptar invocar la Carta Democrática –como lo ha insinuado el secretario general del organismo, Luis Almagro– contra Venezuela, porque temen que activar este mecanismo pueda afectarlos a ellos mismos en un futuro.
Regional development is the key for Argentina’s future. The new administration has developed long-term plans to eliminate poverty and inequality in Argentina. The priority is to generate efficient and sustainable programs by strengthening institutions, promoting dialogue and integration with provincial governments, and focusing on quality.
When Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake, the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama quickly absorbed the depth of the tragedy and necessity of a robust U.S. response. Unless the U.S. adopts a proactive role, Haiti’s fragmented political landscape threatens to deteriorate into a political vacuum that will compound the current crisis.
We talk about a system of educational vouchers, when governments grant families payments that allow them to enroll their children in either public or private schools. These payments, which are financed through taxes, can be made directly to parents or indirectly to schools. The objective is to increase the possibilities of…
Will the leaders of our democracies rise to the demands of this exasperated citizenry, ready to set fire to the temple? Perhaps, but the prospects are not bright.
Kevin Casas-Zamora
Articles & Op-Eds ˙
˙ Latin America Goes Global
Sergio Bitar aborda en esta entrevista el proceso constituyente, las críticas y disculpas de Insulza, y la reforma a la educación superior entre otros.
Ariel Fiszbein señaló los graves problemas que enfrenta la región en materia de educación y la brecha de cinco años de escolaridad que existe con los países asiáticos mejor posicionados en las pruebas PISA.