Teachers Unions and Governments
This report aims to summarize and systematize the work done by a group of consultants in the region under the project ” Teachers Unions and Education Reform in Latin America.
This report aims to summarize and systematize the work done by a group of consultants in the region under the project ” Teachers Unions and Education Reform in Latin America.
Education policy is not a single kind, but two kinds: the one of expansion and enrollment rate, and the one that aims to improve the quality and efficiency. In Latin America, education is an area that has undergone a significant reform during the last 15 years. All countries in the…
It is often said that the large-scale educational evaluation has acquired its current strategic role in the education services management, as a result of changes in the role of the state. According to this very much accepted point of view in Brazil, the remodeling of the state responsibilities through the…
Latin America is striving in improving its schools and is making clear progress in at least some areas. Most governments have implemented important measures during the years following ur last report. They’ve been increasing investment, establishing and consolidation national performance assessments, working on the implementation of standards and delegating authority…
PREAL, a través de su Programa de Prevención de la Violencia en la Educación, auspiciado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), apoyó entre 2004 y 2005 seis proyectos orientados a consolidar experiencias prometedoras en este campo y a estudiar sus características y potencialidades, de manera de aprender de ellas…
Quantas e quais empresas de fato investem em educação no Brasil? Que tipos de programas desenvolvem ou apóiam? Qual sua motivação? Quem, no nível da empresa, é responsável por esta decisão? Quem gerencia as atividades educacionais? Este envolvimento é recente ou antigo? Este libro trata dos resultados da primeira etapa…
El Capítulo de Centroamérica y República Dominicana del Grupo de Trabajo Profesión Docente (CCAD-GTD) de PREAL, con el patrocinio de la Coordinación de Educación y Cultura del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (CECC/SIC), organizó para los meses de marzo y abril siete talleres nacionales sobre políticas docentes, además de una conferencia…
La meta de una reforma basada en estándares es ayudar a todos los estudiantes a alcanzar niveles más altos de desempeño, no establecer metas imposibles o crear ganadores y perdedores. Para lograr esa meta, se requiere implementar políticas que den a todos los estudiantes una oportunidad justa para alcanzar los…
In her 2004 book Despite the Odds, Professor Merilee S. Grindle of Harvard University seeks to explain how education reform became an important item on the regional political agenda in the 1990s, how the new policies were crafted in the face of bitter hostility to change, how the reforms gained…
El jueves 16 de febrero, el Organismo de las Naciones Unidas para la Migración (OIM) presentó los resultados de la Encuesta sobre Migración Internacional de personas guatemaltecas y Remesas. La encuesta se realizó a más de 3,000 familias en 170 municipios de Guatemala para definir un perfil del migrante guatemalteco en el exterior, las características de los migrantes de retorno, así como el volumen y uso que se le da a las remesas.
There are several theories about how ages are determined . From each chain of thought, we could deduce wages completely different. Some emphasize in the supply and some in the demand. Within the first, we find the classic ones, which deepen the relationship between the salary and the coverage of…
Since 1994, Antioquia and Medellin have made valuable fforts to cover and improve quaility education. Between that year and 2002 the number of enrolled students increased by 2% per year and the major efforts were towareds preschool, secondary and middle education. Moreover, almost all children between 7 and 11 years…
In the last 10 years Guatemala has made great advances. The consolidation of the democratic system and the signing of the peace process have created a more favorable climate for education. However, there are still social and economic development problems. Guatemala is a country of young, multilingual and multicultural people.…
El fortalecimiento de la autonomía escolar es uno de los ejes más importantes en las políticas educacionales en curso. Se relaciona con una tendencia a otorgar mayores niveles de decisión a las escuelas en ámbitos administrativos, financieros y pedagógicos, buscando mecanismos alternativos de organización que fortalecen la descentralización y promueven…
Si mejorar la calidad de la educación pública es siempre un desafío, hacerlo en distritos escolares que, comparados con el nivel nacional, presentan un importante rezago en los logros y cuentan con altos niveles de pobreza, es un reto aun mayor. Este ha sido el contexto de las reformas que…