
Reformas pendientes en la educación secundaria

Este libro es el tercero que se realiza en el marco de las actividades del Fondo de Investigaciones Educativas (FIE), un proyecto del Programa de Promoción de la Reforma Educativa en América Latina y el Cari-be (PREAL) que se desarrolló en asociación con el Global Development Network (GDN) y el…

Reports ˙

Primary Education in Latin America

More than a decade ago the authorities and specialists in the area of education took awareness of the fact that Latin America was very behind compared to the rest the world in terms of quality, efficiency and effectiveness of its primary education system . The rates of school graduates, as the degree of literacy of the workforce,…

Laurence Wolff, Ernesto Schiefelbein, Paulina Schiefelbein

Reports ˙

Institutional Capacity Building

This working paper summarizes the lessons of the coaching initiative in light of the experiences developed, with a double purpose: to rescue the usefulness this coaching may have as a strategy to strengthen institutional capacities in order to support the educational reform in Latin American countries; secondly, to account for the…

Mariana Aylwin, Laurence Wolff, Alejandro Morduchowicz

Reports ˙

Report Card on Education

The need to achieve significant improvements in education has been a matter of concern for the Dominican society along the last two decades. This interest grew with the implementation of the Ten-Year Education Plan in the early 90s, a joint initiative with civil societies, the government and international organizations against…

Reports ˙

Obstáculos políticos en la implementación de las reformas educativas

Aun cuando en todo el mundo se reconoce hoy el papel clave que le corresponde a la educación y que es necesario mejorarla, con frecuencia no se aprueban ni implementan reformas educativas significativas, debido, fundamentalmente, a ciertos impedimentos políticos. No obstante, a partir de los años ’80, numerosos países de…

Reports ˙

Is Bachelet a Shoo-in?

Who will give Bachelet her toughest competition in the race? What issues are driving the campaign?

Patricio Navia, Peter Winn, Kirsten Sehnbruch, Peter M. Siavelis, Jorge Heine


The Meaning of Pope Francis

On the eve of the pope’s selection, there was broad consensus that the future of the Catholicism lays outside of Europe.

Event Summaries ˙

Bachelet’s Regional Challenges

Even before Michelle Bachelet began her second term she got a taste of the difficult regional climate she will have to deal with over the next four years.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Tercera