Reform of Vocational and Technical Education
The globalization of markets is creating increasing pressure for educational reform in Latin America.
The globalization of markets is creating increasing pressure for educational reform in Latin America.
Recognizing the growing challenges Latin American countries face in skills development, the dialogue organized a seminar on technical education and professional training.
The Dialogue welcomed three National Deputies representing different opposition parties to discuss their current legislative agenda and political strategy, with an emphasis on the prospects for economic reform and productive dialogue in Venezuela.
Traditional policies , mainly based in expanding coverage to more students,are currently inadequate tothe social and economic changes that are happening in the region.
When President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva left office in January 2011, Brazil was widely regarded as Latin America’s gold standard for economic development and social progress. But today, with his handpicked successor, Dilma Rousseff, facing an impeachment trial, the country is viewed as an economic failure.
The Chilean education system has 180,000 teachers and is divided into preschool, elementary, middle, higher, technical and adults. This paper deals with the first four levels. The first three types of schools can be municipal (state funding), private (Private funding) or private subsidized (with mixed funding). To enroll in universities, one…
Measuring early childhood development (ECD) at the national level is crucial for informing policy-making and for evaluating ECD programs in Latin America.
This report card seeks to strengthen the capacity of national groups to analyze education policy in Guatemala
The Dialogue, together with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), hosted an event on March 2nd to launch the study “The Cost of Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean” with Nathalie Alvarado, Principal Specialist in Citizen Security at the IDB; Laura Jaitman, Citizen Security Specialist at the IDB; Angela Me, Chief of the Research and Trend Analysis Brand at the UNODC; Desmond Arias, Associate Professor at Georgetown University; and Michael Shifter, President of the Dialogue.
En estas dos entrevistas con CNN, el analista Kevin Casas Zamora hace una lectura del llamado al diálogo entre el gobierno y la oposición en Venezuela, que comenzará el 30 de octubre en Isla de Margarita. Igualmente, el Dr. Casas Zamora analiza la decisión del Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela de suspender la recolección de firmas para el referéndum revocatorio del mandato del presidente Maduro.
El 25 de mayo de 2016, el Diálogo Interamericano sostuvo un conversatorio con Elisa “Lilita” Carrió, diputada nacional Coalición Cívica para la Afirmación de un República Igualitaria (CC-ARI) para Buenos Aires, sobre el panorama congresal en Argentina.
The criticism of the traditional ways of teaching have gained more strengt against the requirements of a training, which addresses the rapid obsolescence of knowledge and the need to ensure an effective and relevant learning.
The focus of the reflections will be the Educational reform processes of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay , without ruling references to other ongoing reforms in Brazil and the Dominican Republic.
The government has taken unprecedented steps to transform and improve the education system.
Entrevista con Sergio Bitar sobre el reciente anuncio del Fondo de Infrastructura en Chile.