Rebecca Bill Chavez, Presidenta y CEO del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con La Tercera sobre el actual panorama de la región, la crisis migratoria, inestabilidad política y seguridad en América Latina.
In March 2023, José Ángel Gurría, Inter-American Dialogue member and former secretary-general of the OECD, has been named president of the Paris Peace Forum.
José Ángel Gurría
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A recent Economist article discussing Sino-Argentine relations cited to commercial loan statistics from the Asia and Latin America Program’s China-Latin America Commercial Loans Tracker.
El FMI debería considerar los cuatro factores clave de la gobernabilidad como métricas críticas que aseguran la estabilidad económica; particularmente en referencia a la independencia del Banco Central, la supervisión del sector financiero y la regulación del mercado y el Estado de derecho. autoestima al pueblo para presionar por un cambio político.
Nicaragua is a country where democracy and economic policy have been criminalized because the independence of state institutions is absent. The Ortega-Murillo family has chosen to enact laws that protect the status quo and not the public good. This report makes recommendations that would help ensure economic stability.
A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on the proposed global minimum tax, its appeal and its expected annual revenue gains in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Carlos Vargas Alencastre, Eugenio Grageda, Manuel Baltazar Mancilla
Margaret Myers, director of the Asia and Latin America Program at the Inter-American Dialogue, considers how trends in China’s real estate sector will affect China-Latin America relations.
On the heels of President Guillermo Lasso’s White House meeting with President Joe Biden on December 19, 2022, President Lasso joined Inter-American Dialogue President & CEO Rebecca Bill Chavez for a conversation about the US-Ecuador bilateral relationship.
To discuss the implications of this attempted autogolpe for Peru and the region, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an online event titled “Peru’s Precarious Politics — The Crisis Deepens” on December 15, 2022.
El malestar creciente entre los altos funcionarios, la corrupción desenfrenada y las purgas, revelan que no hay salida con Ortega y Murillo. El reto radica en aprovechar las crecientes debilidades, las posibles rupturas y recuperar espacios en miras de devolver la confianza y la autoestima al pueblo para presionar por un cambio político.
Sharing a selection of issues that the Latin America Advisor’s team felt covered especially important developments this year in Western Hemisphere affairs.
A Latin America Advisor piece covering Ecuador’s expected free trade agreement with the United States in the context of continued geopolitical tensions with China.