
How to Build Consensus on Education?

Improving education requires persistence, dedication and teamwork. Progress is the consequence of multiple factors that interact and reinforce each other systematically. Studies and assessments usually yield mixed results, and that makes it difficult to discern what needs to be changed. There are no simple recipes. Furthermore, since the financial costs…

Sergio Bitar

Reports ˙

US Learning to Live With Strained Ecuador Ties

Since President Rafael Correa came to power, US relations with Ecuador have been rocky. In dealing with Correa, Washington faces difficult policy choices.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Politics Review

Adios, Amigos

As Hillary Clinton travels through Latin America this week, the U.S. secretary of state will find it profoundly transformed from the relatively serene region she encountered as first lady in the 1990s.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Policy

Venezuelan flag

Latin America Must Act

Can the government led by Nicolas Maduro survive the wave of street protests that have spread throughout Venezuela over the past two weeks?

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Colombiano

Pruebas de desempeño y reforma educativa

A partir de la publicación de Una Nación en Riesgo, una lluvia de informes y declaraciones ha alimentado la percepción popular de que el sistema de educación norteamericano se encuentra en crisis1. La disminución a lo largo del tiempo, tanto real como imaginaria, en el desempeño en pruebas como el…

Edward H. Haertel

Reports ˙

Usos y límites de las pruebas de desempeño

Las pruebas de desempeño son uno de los “temas candentes” en la agenda de la reforma educativa — y por buenas razones. Las pruebas de desempeño son una medida más precisa de la capacidad de nuestros niños de lograr las aspiraciones que tenemos para ellos que las formas convencionales de…

Elliot W. Eisner

Reports ˙

Digital Technologies

Throughout Latin America, a digital divide has emerged.

Peter Hakim

Reports ˙

How Big of an Economic Threat Does China Pose to Brazil?

Will the anti-dumping measures, border controls and tax breaks associated with Rousseff’s industrial plan, ‘Plano Brasil Maior,’ slow the onslaught of cheap imports?

Margaret Myers, John Williamson, Gary Hufbauer, David Kupfer

Teacher Pay in 12 Latin American Countries:

If it is true that persons with similar characteristics are paid less when they teach than when they take other jobs, then why dothey go into the teaching profession: who are the teachers?

Xiaoyan Liang

Reports ˙