Beyond Venezuela’s Simmering Crisis
Inflation in Venezuela has already topped 63% and shortages of basic goods including food and medicine will continue into 2015.
Inflation in Venezuela has already topped 63% and shortages of basic goods including food and medicine will continue into 2015.
The lack of adequate skills represents a bottleneck to productivity growth and to the ability of workers to obtain gainful employment in Latin America.
Nadie puede negar Fidel Castro su lugar en la historia. Era la figura política más importante en América Latina tal vez desde Cristóbal Colón en 1492. La pregunta es hasta qué punto su legado será el de unos sueños osados y unas transformaciones progresistas o por el contrario, un relato de opresión y de estancamiento para Cuba.
Despite taking significant steps towards a more gender-balanced political system –notably the recent adoption of female representation quotas— Colombia, like many other Latin American countries, continues to struggle with the legacies of pervasive social, economic and political inequality that disproportionately affect women. The study gauges the effect that campaign finance has for aspiring female leaders, and puts it in the context of broader social and cultural barriers that hinder women’s political activism throughout the region.
A pesar de que todos los países de América Latina se han comprometido formalmente a adoptar medidas colectivas para corregir los quebrantamientos de la democracia, se ignoraron las crecientes violaciones de los derechos humanos y el orden democrático en Venezuela.
Since its first edition in 1997, the CAF Conference has expanded to become the premier annual event on Western Hemispheric affairs in Washington, DC.
Pode levar o governo autocrático venezuelano a se enraizar mais solidamente, fraturar e enfraquecer ainda mais a oposição já tolhida e
deixar os problemas da Venezuela sem solução.
In the next decade, Latin America will inevitably see sweeping education reforms.
This report card seeks to strengthen the capacity of national groups to analyze education policy in El Salvador
In recent years, debates on education policy have been shifting their focus from educational quantity—getting more children in school and ensuring they stay longer—to educational quality—the learning that children acquire while at school.This change is welcome. Evidence suggests that low-quality schooling confers few benefits, and that quality education (as measured…
So far, Macri has been successful in attributing the social pain of the reforms to the gravity of the situation he inherited. Still, Argentina’s patience could run out before the economy starts growing again.
La migración en Nicaragua representa más del 10% del PIB y mantiene a más de 500,000 hogares fuera de la pobreza, pero sigue siendo ignorada por el gobierno y el sector privado
This report card seeks to strengthen the capacity of national groups to analyze education policy in the Dominican Republic.
This report card seeks to strengthen the capacity of national groups to analyze education policy in Honduras.
Chile has been rocked by powerful student protests that call for greater education quality and equity since 2011.