
International Community, Haitians Must Work Together

The worldwide outpouring of support for Haitians from governments and ordinary citizens has been extraordinary. But this heroic phase of the emergency response is drawing to a close.

¿Estirando la seguridad nacional para hablar de educación?, Peter D. Bell

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Des Moines Register

Education: an Urgent Challenge

Education is one of the key factors for economic growth and human development. The benefits of education go beyond the academic and contribute to economic goals such as growth and productivity, as well as social fundamentals such as improving health, social cohesion and strengthening democracy. In a globalized and highly…

Reports ˙

La reforma educacional chilena desde la perspectiva de cinco Ministros de Educación

En un informe elaborado recientemente por el BID, se entrevistó a cinco Ministros de Educación de Chile del periodo 1979-1996. Atendiendo a las lecciones de interés que puede ofrecer el caso chileno en la modernización de la educación, se exponen a continuación sus experiencias y visiones. Descargue el documento completo abajo

Reports ˙

El Salvador

A compilation of the Dialogue’s reports, articles and presentations on the most important issues shaping El Salvador’s development.

Reports ˙

What Will COP20 Achieve?

What are the opportunities for progress and regional cooperation on climate change in the Americas?

Lisa Viscidi, Ana R. Ríos, Ramiro Fernández, Milena Gonzalez, Timmons Roberts

Teacher Salary Incentives

In light of the wide range of experience, teachers care about salary. Their diversity reflects the number of situations that aim to be promoted and acknowledged. Not without reason: both conceptually and tactically, salary scales do not distinguish the good from the bad professionals. When this happens, the attraction and…

Alejandro Morduchowicz

Reports ˙

Nueva organización de PREAL

Mas detalles en el afinamiento administrativo y la re-organización de PREAL.   Descargue el documento completo abajo.

Reports ˙

Constitutional Reform in Latin America: What is the Record?

The strength of Latin American democracies is eroding. Does meddling with a country’s constitution further erode democracy? Or does this erosion precede reform? If so, should the changes be considered a reason for hope?

Daphne Morrison

Event Summaries ˙

The Future of Inter-American Relations

In the 1990s, following the end of the Cold War, there emerged for a time what appeared to be a relatively wide agreement in the United States and much of Latin America regarding the direction hemispheric relations should take. The convergence focused on renewed efforts to achieve inter- American cooperation…

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Calgary Papers in Military and Strategic Studies

New Faces, New Policies in Region

Politics is swirling everywhere. Such are the ways of democracies, especially when oppositions come alive and defeat or threaten incumbents.

Marifeli Pérez-Stable

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Miami Herald