
A Conversation with Federico Franco

With no access to the sea and just a fraction of the continent’s economic output, Paraguay will have to play by its neighbors’ rules for the time being.

Event Summaries ˙

What Would Happen if Chávez Couldn’t Finish His Term?

Is there a real risk that the political and social situation in Venezuela could turn chaotic as a result of Chávez’s illness?

Michael Shifter, Jesus Ugalde, Maria Eugenia Venegas, Yolanda Rojas at the CCAD-GTD and CECC/SICA event in San Jose Costa Rica., Julia Buxton

Effective Teaching Recognition

As noted by several authors,  teaching careers in the early twentieth century were considered highly prestigious. However, this condition has changed over time, and now is associated with negative aspects, such as work overload, fatigue, uncertainty or new training requirements.

Denise Vaillant, Cecilia Rossel

Reports ˙

Costa Rica

A compilation of the Dialogue’s reports, articles and presentations on the most important issues shaping Costa Rica’s development.

Articles & Op-Eds ˙

Energy & Mining in Colombia

Colombia has to remain competitive with other major producers such as Mexico to attract needed investment in extractive industries.

Lisa Viscidi

Event Summaries ˙

The Human Rights Situation in Mexico

Since the outbreak of the drug war, Ciudad Juárez has been plagued by unfathomable levels of violence and corruption, leading to thousands of human rights violations.

Veronica Gaitan

Event Summaries ˙


A compilation of the Dialogue’s reports, articles and presentations on the most important issues shaping Nicaragua’s development.

Articles & Op-Eds ˙

Is Petrobras on the Right Track?

How bad is Petrobras’ situation today, and what bright spots are on the horizon?

Lisa Viscidi, Francisco Ebeling Barros, João Augusto de Castro Neves, Theodore M. Helms

XI Annual CAF Conference

The annual CAF conference brings together more than 250 people to discuss hemispheric affairs.

Event Summaries ˙


State of the Remittance Industry

Market consolidation and increasing competition are two of the largest trends currently observed in the money transfer industry.

Eric Johnson

Event Summaries ˙

Evaluaciones educacionales en América Latina

Las evaluaciones educacionales pueden definirse como medidas del grado en el cual se han logrado los objetivos curriculares, sean establecidos por las autoridades gubernamentales o por expertos nacionales e internacionales. Además, pueden aplicarse para conocer: resultados cuantitativos, por ejemplo, el número de alumnos matriculados, de alumnos que han completado un…

Reports ˙

Não há guinada à direita

Pesquisador americano Michael Shifter diz que população, cansada, fez aposta em Temer, mas que PT ou esquerda podem voltar

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ O Globo

What to Read on Venezuela

Chávez has aroused considerable curiosity. Beside Cuba’s Fidel Castro, no other Latin American leader has elicited as many journalistic accounts or serious analytic and conceptual contributions.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs