
Teachers’ Integration Policies

We live in times of change: sociological, economic, moral, demographic and cultural changes, that are constantly challenging the ability of balance, integration and innovation of societies and systems. How do these changes affect schools and the way they train teachers? How should we rethink the work of teachers under these new…

Carlos Marcelo García

Reports ˙

Educational Decentralization

The transfer of educational decision-making authority and responsibility from the center to regional and local systems

Private Conversation with Cuba Posible

On Friday, March 3rd, the Dialogue welcomed Director and Deputy Director of Cuba Posible, Roberto Veiga and Lenier Gonzalez, and a small group of Latin America policy experts for a discussion on social and political trends in Cuba. The discussion focused on upcoming leadership dynamics in Cuba and the role of young people in the future of the island.

Danielle Edmonds

Event Summaries ˙

Foreign Investment a Top Priority: Solís

Attracting foreign investment to grow the economy is a top priority for Costa Rica’s new government, President Luis Guillermo Solís said at the Dialogue.

Megan Cook

Event Summaries ˙

Fiscal Policy & the Poor in Latin America

Good fiscal policy not only promotes macroeconomic stability and growth, it is also a powerful tool for directly reducing poverty and inequality.

Jeffrey Puryear, Mariellen Malloy Jewers

Reports ˙

How Critical Is China’s Lifeline to Venezuela?

Unrepaid loans and rising levels of insecurity in Venezuela may mean that the country cannot receive additional significant loans or investment from China in the near future, The Wall Street Journal reported Sept. 11. How important a lifeline is Chinese financing to Venezuela, and what will happen to Venezuela if China holds off on additional financing to the country?

Latin America Advisor ˙

Is Freedom of the Press Under Threat in Latin America?

Is press freedom seriously jeopardized in these countries or elsewhere in the region? What implications does it have for the state of democracy? Should regional bodies or other organizations be taking action? If so, how?

Scott Griffen, Benoit Hervieu, Viviana Giacaman