

Corrupción en Latinoamérica y Colombia ‘País del Año’

En este programa de Club de Prensa, Michael Shifter y otros expertos debaten temas como la corrupción en América Latina, en particular en Brazil, o el anuncio por ‘The Economist’ de Colombia como ‘País del Año’

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Club de Prensa

Remittances Scorecard: 2016

In its fourth edition, the Remittances Scorecard ranks 30 companies working in 11 Latin American and Caribbean countries. It evaluates them across 12 indicators to assess their performance and competition in the money transfer industry.

Manuel Orozco, Laura Porras, Julia Yansura

Reports ˙ ˙ Results

China, América Latina & Chile 2030

Las exportaciones a China de América Latina pasaron de 6 mil millones a 140 mil millones de dólares, 23 veces entre esos años, cifras raramente vistas en el comercio internacional. Los efectos han sido sustanciales.

Sergio Bitar

Presentations ˙


New Colombian peace deal

More than five decades of war appears to be over as the Colombian Congress ratifies a new peace deal with FARC rebels. The new deal includes 50 changes to an initial one narrowly rejected by voters in October. Michael Shifter analyzes.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CCTV America

Private Conversation with El Salvador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugo Martínez

On Monday, December 5th, 2016, the Dialogue welcomed El Salvador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugo Martínez for a discussion on US-El Salvador relations in light of recent political developments in Central and North America. The discussion focused on the Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity of the Northern Triangle as the guiding policy of US engagement with El Salvador and the neighboring countries of Guatemala and Honduras.

Lily Welborn

Event Summaries ˙

Assessing the State of Doing Business in Latin America

As Latin American and Caribbean economies have intermittently thrived then struggled in the past decade, the barriers to doing business have remained consistently high. And while reform efforts accelerated in 2016, improving business regulations and economic governance remains a critical missing step for poverty reduction, growth, competitiveness, and the rule of law.

Tim Mahony

Event Summaries ˙

Legado poderia ter dado a Cuba outro destino

Ninguém pode negar a Fidel Castro o seu lugar na História. Ele foi a figura política mais proeminente da América Latina talvez desde Cristóvão Colombo, em 1492. A questão é até que ponto sua narrativa será mais sobre sonhos ousados e mudanças progressistas — ou sobre opressão e, no fim, estagnação em Cuba.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ O Globo

Por qué Fidel destruyó su propio legado

Nadie puede negar Fidel Castro su lugar en la historia. Era la figura política más importante en América Latina tal vez desde Cristóbal Colón en 1492. La pregunta es hasta qué punto su legado será el de unos sueños osados y unas transformaciones progresistas o por el contrario, un relato de opresión y de estancamiento para Cuba.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam

Did Fidel Destroy His Own Legacy?

No one can deny Fidel Castro his place in history. He was, by any measure, the most prominent political figure in Latin America in the 20th century, maybe since Christopher Columbus. The question is whether the narrative will be mostly about bold dreams and progressive change—or about oppression and stagnation in Cuba.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙

How Can Latin America Move to Low-Carbon Energy?

Latin America faces some of the toughest obstacles to halting energy emissions, but many countries in the region also have among the best opportunities to reach climate goals.

Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times

¿Volverá Trump a congelar las relaciones con Cuba?

Sigue siendo un misterio lo que Donald Trump planea hacer con respecto a la política cubana. Al principio de su campaña, pensó que la iniciativa de Obama era bienvenida, incluso con retraso. En el último mes de la carrera presidencial, cuando sus consejeros contaron votos en Florida, revirtió el rumbo y prometió detener la normalización hasta que Cuba se vuelva democrática.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam

Deportaciones sí afectarán las remesas

Las remesas que envían los centroamericanos desde Estados Unidos a sus países, no serán afectadas por un inaplicable impuesto anunciado en la campaña electoral por el ahora presidente electo Donald Trump, sino por el impacto colateral del incremento en las deportaciones.

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ Deportaciones sí afectarán las remesas

The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration

The Inter-American Dialogue and Lynne Rienner Publishers are pleased to announce the release of The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration: China, the TPP, and Beyond, co-edited by Adrian H. Hearn and Margaret Myers.

Margaret Myers, Adrian Hearn

Books ˙