La región latinoamericana sigue siendo golpeada por la pandemia, agravando los desafíos ya existentes en la región. Este hecho formó parte central de la discusión multifacética en la Conferencia anual CAF 2020 sobre la situación cambiante y las nuevas preocupaciones en medio de la pandemia. Michael Shifter conversó con NTN24 sobre la segunda jornada de CAF y una variedad de temas, entre ellos: la crisis económica, la pandemia, la elección presidencial para el BID y el efecto de la elección presidencial 2020 en Estados Unidos para la política latinoamericana.
The State Department’s Bureau of Energy Resources held a webinar on September 9, 2020 on barriers and opportunities for private investment in Caribbean energy sectors, energy resource diversification, the impacts of Covid-19 on Caribbean energy markets, and US cooperation. Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change & Extractive Industries Program at the Dialogue, moderated the event.
Lisa Viscidi
Presentations ˙
˙ Bureau of Energy Resources
On Sept. 18, 2020, members of the Inter-American Dialogue’s corporate program met virtually with José Manuel Restrepo, Colombia’s Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, and Flavia Santoro, the President of ProColombia.
On September 29, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a wide-ranging conversation with Luis Alberto Moreno, the outgoing president of the Inter-American Development Bank, in recognition of his productive collaboration with the Dialogue and his contributions to our mission for more than two decades. Over 45 Dialogue members convened to listen to Moreno’s perspectives as he reached the end of his 15 years as president of the IDB.
2020 has been a tumultuous year for Latin America’s energy sector. The global pandemic has led to a sharp decline in oil demand and prices even as clean energy investments accelerate. With presidential elections around the corner in the United States, the future of US energy diplomacy in the region is unclear. Industry executives, government officials, and corporate representatives convened to discuss the challenges and opportunities in today’s energy markets during the virtual Fourth Annual Energy Conference.
Michael Shifter participó en el programa Odisea Argentina junto al periodista Carlos Pagni de La Nación. Se discutió acerca de la dirección que llevan las elecciones de EEUU y cómo el resultado podría afectar la política en la región latinoamericana. La conversación hizo énfasis en la situación de Venezuela, la crisis económica de Argentina y la competencia entre EEUU y China en la región.
Over the past two years, the government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has sought to strip away central aspects of the 2013 energy reform that increased private investment in the power sector and return control of the sector to state utility CFE. These moves will reduce needed investment in the sector and lead to higher electricity costs for Mexican industry and manufacturing, affecting employment, trade, and Mexico’s ability to meet its clean energy targets, according to this new report by the Inter-American Dialogue.
An Energy Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the López Obrador’s changes to the Mexican power sector.
Laura Carlsen, Pedro Niembro, Geoffrey Jones, Natalia Cosio, Larry Pascal, Juan Pomés, Dino Barajas, Fluvio Ruiz Alarcón, Ximena Herrera, Alexandro Padrés, Roxana Muñoz
Lisa Viscidi, directora del programa de energía, cambio climático, e industrias extractivas, analizó las estrategias de las empresas petroleras estatales de América Latina encaminadas a reducir las emisiones directas en sus operaciones y sus estrategias para la transición energética en el evento PERÚ ENERGÍA DIGITAL 2020, organizado por Prensa Grupo.
Lisa Viscidi
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