
Odebrecht: un escándalo con múltiples aristas

Las proporciones del caso Odebrecht han puesto de manifiesto una red de sobornos para obtener licitaciones de obras públicas, que implica prácticamente a una docena de países y que compromete a buena parte de la clase política latinoamericana, al más alto nivel. Peter Hakim comenta sobre el caso.

Peter Hakim, Orlando Torricelli

Interviews ˙ ˙ RFI Español


Argentina’s Congressional Landscape- A Conversation with Elisa Carrió

El 25 de mayo de 2016, el Diálogo Interamericano sostuvo un conversatorio con Elisa “Lilita” Carrió, diputada nacional Coalición Cívica para la Afirmación de un República Igualitaria (CC-ARI) para Buenos Aires, sobre el panorama congresal en Argentina.

Diana Jordán, Maria Corina Mendoza,

Event Summaries ˙

Teaching and Learning in Search of New Routes

The criticism of the traditional ways of teaching have gained more strengt against the requirements of a training, which addresses the rapid obsolescence of knowledge and the need to ensure an effective and relevant learning.  

Gloria Calvo

Reports ˙

Is the Puerto Rico Deal Good for the Island & Taxpayers?

U.S. House Republicans and the Obama administration on May 18 reached a deal on legislation to help Puerto Rico reduce its massive $72 billion debt load. Is the agreement a good deal for Puerto Rico and U.S. taxpayers?

Latin America Advisor ˙

Las remesas a México durante el 2016

Aunque en los últimos años la migración mexicana hacia Estados Unidos ha caído notablemente, las remesas no sólo se han mantenido estables, sino que crecieron un 8.8% en 2016. Las razones principales se deben a tres factores claves. Primero, el aumento en el número de mexicanos que envía dinero. Segundo, el uso de sistemas electrónicos para envío de dinero y, tercero, las tasas de cambio.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙

How Can Latin America Give Cleantech a Boost?

Most Latin American countries trail other regions of the world in important indicators of clean energy innovation, such as filing fewer patents, investing less in technology research and development and receiving far lower royalties. What steps can Latin America take to scale up clean energy technology development?

Latin America Advisor ˙

A Constitutional Amendment in Ecuador?

What is behind Correa’s support for a constitutional amendment that permits indefinite reelection?

César Montúfar, Patricia de la Torre, Felipe Burbano

Economic Status & Remittance Behavior

Although migrants have experienced a modest improvement since the recession, one in three remain in a “vulnerable” financial position.

Manuel Orozco, Mariellen Jewers

Reports ˙

The Current Educational Reforms

The focus of the reflections will be the Educational reform processes of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay , without ruling references to other ongoing reforms in Brazil and the Dominican Republic.

Cecilia Braslavsky, Gustavo Cosse

Reports ˙