
China and Latin America: Relations Under Strain?

While some concerns have been expressed about the expanding Chinese footprint across the region, most serious analysts and government authorities view the deepening economic relationship as a largely positive development for both China and Latin America.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ China Policy Review

Education in Latin America

Traditional policies , mainly based in expanding coverage to more students,are currently inadequate tothe social and economic changes that are happening in the region.

Jeffrey Puryear

Reports ˙

Here’s what really went wrong with Brazil’s economy

When President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva left office in January 2011, Brazil was widely regarded as Latin America’s gold standard for economic development and social progress. But today, with his handpicked successor, Dilma Rousseff, facing an impeachment trial, the country is viewed as an economic failure.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Reuters

Using Data to Better Understand Worker Remittances

This presentation was given at the international conference “Improving Data on International Migration: Towards Agenda 2030 and the Global Compact on Migration”, hosted by Germany’s Federal Foreign Office and convened by the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM)’s Global Migration Data Analysis Center (GMDAC), with support from the US Department of State and the European Commission’s Knowledge Center on Migration and Demography.

Manuel Orozco

Presentations ˙

Is Argentina’s Macri Handling the Economy Well?

On Aug. 23, the Argentine government’s statistics agency, INDEC, announced an unemployment rate of 9.3 percent, a full percentage point higher than experts projected, according to Bloomberg News. However, earlier in the month, the agency released a report showing that inflation had slowed significantly from 4.2 percent in May to 2 percent in July. How well as the administration of President Mauricio Macri, now in office for more than eight months, been handling the economy?

Claudio Loser, Gabrielle Trebat, Andrés Asiain, Mario Rapoport

Latin America Advisor ˙

Evo’s Journey

With Morales’ approval rating at 75%, it is likely that voters will re-elect him for a third consecutive term

Marielle Coutrix

Event Summaries ˙

Teacher Training and Academic Brackground

This report presents the findings of a comparative study about the academic background of teachers in primary and secondary education in the US, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and Japan.

Richard M. Ingersoll

Reports ˙

Teacher Training in Chile

The Chilean education system has 180,000 teachers and is divided into preschool, elementary, middle, higher, technical and adults. This paper deals with the first four levels. The first three types of schools can be municipal (state funding), private (Private funding) or private subsidized (with mixed funding). To enroll in universities, one…

Paula Louzano, Alejandro Morduchowicz

Reports ˙

Measuring Early Childhood Development in Latin America

Measuring early childhood development (ECD) at the national level is crucial for informing policy-making and for evaluating ECD programs in Latin America.

Ariel Fiszbein, Gabriela Guerrero, Vanessa Rojas

Reports ˙

The Cost of Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Dialogue, together with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), hosted an event on March 2nd to launch the study “The Cost of Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean” with Nathalie Alvarado, Principal Specialist in Citizen Security at the IDB; Laura Jaitman, Citizen Security Specialist at the IDB; Angela Me, Chief of the Research and Trend Analysis Brand at the UNODC; Desmond Arias, Associate Professor at Georgetown University; and Michael Shifter, President of the Dialogue.

Laura Campiglia de Méndez

Event Summaries ˙

Four More Years for Dilma

On Sunday, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was re-elected by a 3.28-point margin with 51.64 percent of the valid vote.

David Fleischer

Venezuela: se anuncia un diálogo nacional

En estas dos entrevistas con CNN, el analista Kevin Casas Zamora hace una lectura del llamado al diálogo entre el gobierno y la oposición en Venezuela, que comenzará el 30 de octubre en Isla de Margarita. Igualmente, el Dr. Casas Zamora analiza la decisión del Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela de suspender la recolección de firmas para el referéndum revocatorio del mandato del presidente Maduro.

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN