


Latin America Advisor ˙

How Will Cuban Migration Change in the Years Ahead?

The White House on Jan. 12 ended the so-called “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” policy, which for two decades had automatically allowed Cubans who reach dry land in the United States to stay. Then-U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration announced the end of the policy, which Cuba’s government had long opposed, just eight days before Obama left office. How will the change affect Cuban migration patterns throughout the region?

Latin America Advisor ˙

The Implications of Argentina’s Elections

Argentina’s economic woes, as well as the president’s health problems, have raised a number of questions about its political situation.

Veronica Gaitan

Event Summaries ˙

Beyond Venezuela’s Simmering Crisis

Inflation in Venezuela has already topped 63% and shortages of basic goods including food and medicine will continue into 2015.

Marielle Coutrix

Event Summaries ˙

Videgaray visto desde Washington

¿Por qué fue Videgaray designado como secretario de Relaciones Exteriores? ¿Qué tipo de relación tendrá él con la administración entrante de Trump?

Latin America Advisor ˙

Violence Driving Migration

Tens of thousands of children have been apprehended at the US border over the past year.

Megan Cook

¿Significa algo la visita de Obama en el contexto político de los Estados Unidos?

Temas me ha preguntado si la histórica visita del presidente Barack Obama a Cuba y el momento en que se realiza debe ser analizada en términos de la política interna de los Estados Unidos, como ha sido el caso tan a menudo con la política de Washington hacia Cuba. Creo que esencialmente no es así.

Abraham Lowenthal

Articles & Op-Eds ˙

The Remittance Marketplace in Europe: Competition and Pricing

This text analyzes the remittance marketplace in Europe based on selected indicators that measure: number of remittance service providers (RSPs), number of countries they serve, the diversity in type of RSP, the cost of sending money, the number of payout locations, type of paying partners, their presence or penetration in rural areas, and consumer satisfaction.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙

What Will It Take to Win the Battle Against Corruption?

Recent years have brought unprecedented levels of attention to corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean, with heads of state in countries large and small removed from office amid allegations of bribery, self enrichment and mismanagement of public funds. However, advocates for increasing transparency and fighting corruption worry that superficial changes and isolated high-level prosecutions do not get to the deep and structural safeguards needed to tackle the problem in 2017 and beyond. Is the popular and political will to address graft and corruption waning?

Ben Raderstorf, Maria Velez de Berliner, Nicolás Mariscal, Laura Gaviria Halaby, José Antonio Muñoz

Latin America Advisor ˙

Is Macri Trying to Do Too Much, Too Soon in Argentina?

Argentine President Mauricio Macri’s government started negotiations Jan. 13 with creditors to end the country’s protracted dispute over repaying bondholders, which stems from Argentina’s massive 2001 default.

Claudio Loser, Mario Rapoport, Julio Darío Burdman

Latin America Advisor ˙

Por qué Fidel destruyó su propio legado

Nadie puede negar Fidel Castro su lugar en la historia. Era la figura política más importante en América Latina tal vez desde Cristóbal Colón en 1492. La pregunta es hasta qué punto su legado será el de unos sueños osados y unas transformaciones progresistas o por el contrario, un relato de opresión y de estancamiento para Cuba.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam