Does Sunday’s Close Election Mean Trouble for El Salvador?
What will the close election mean for El Salvador’s next president and his ability to govern?
What will the close election mean for El Salvador’s next president and his ability to govern?
The United States must not only reform its domestic immigration policy, but also reassess its drug, trade, and foreign-aid policies toward the region.
Increases in the number of apprehensions of Central American children were noticed as early as two years ago.
As organized crime and gang violence continues to spread throughout the isthmus, violent threats against journalists have been on the rise.
What is behind the spike in unaccompanied children crossing the border?
Which aspects of Obama’s recent trip to Latin America were a success and which were disappointments?
Members of Congress met with policy experts and government officials to discuss violence and crime in the region.
Dos experiencias centroamericanas demuestran que un buen programa de autogestión escolar puede ser una eficaz alternativa para aumentar la cobertura educacional en áreas rurales pobres. El Programa con Participación de la Comunidad — EDUCO— en El Salvador, y el Programa Nacional de Autogestión para el Desarrollo Educativo —PRONADE— en Guatemala,…
During the last decade, there has been significant improvement in Salvadorans education, in an international context which reaffirms the importance of education as key strategy for the progress of nations. The Educational Reform, promoted since the 90s, has obtained initial achievements in expanding the access of education, improving quality of…
Since we introduced the first report on Educational Progress September 2002 until 2005, El Salvador has made important advances in education. The results of primary and secondary education achievement tests have had a modest increase, although most students are still located at the intermediate level. Enrollment in primary (first and…
Although experts predict that the ruling FMLN party will hold on to power in El Salvador’s elections, whoever wins faces a complex set of challenges.
The purpose of this document is to give a review of the policies, programs and practices related to parental and community involvement in schools in seven Latin American countries: Bolivia , Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
Las negociaciones de las organizaciones docentes en América Latina durante la década de los 90, más allá de las reivindicaciones laborales, se han desarrollado en un contexto de profundas reformas en el campo educativo, de recuperación de los sistemas democráticos, de nuevas exigencias del mundo globalizado y de reconceptualización del…
In 2016, the flow of remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean surpassed US $70 billion. In the 20 countries for which there is data available, the flow reached US$69 billion. This increase demonstrates continued growth since the post-recession period. In this article, we find a range of factors shaping this growth,
Con más de diez años de innovaciones y reformas, El Salvador todavía enfrenta importantes desafíos en materia de cobertura y calidad de los servicios educativos. Las propuestas para avanzar estan contenidas en el Plan Decenal formulado en 1995 y han sido renovadas a través del documento «Desafíos de la educación…