
Will Macri Be Able to Make Good on His Promises?

Is Macri’s victory as historic as his supporters suggest? What changes can we anticipate in the first months of his presidency?

Abraham Lowenthal, José Octavio Bordón, Claudio Loser, Mario Rapoport, Andrés Asiain

Latin America Advisor ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor

cordova Video

A Conversation with Lorenzo Córdova

Lorenzo Córdova, head of Mexico’s National Electoral Institute, gave an overview of the country’s most recent electoral reform.

Diego Recinos

Event Summaries ˙

peter bell

In Memoriam: Peter Bell

Peter Bell will be sorely missed as we face the tasks ahead. He was a great builder, and there remains so much to be built.

Ricardo Lagos

Articles & Op-Eds ˙


Prospects for a Post-Kirchner Argentina

The next administration’s agenda will be set with political and economic challenges that will test the endurance of Argentina’s democracy.

Felipe Franco Gutierrez

Event Summaries ˙

Cuban Voices: Paths to the Future

El 12 de abril de 2016, el Diálogo Interamericano sostuvo un conversatorio con representantes del grupo Cuba Posible, sobre el camino al futuro de Cuba.

Diana Jordán

Event Summaries ˙

Making Chávez Possible

Michael Shifter reviews a volume looking at Venezuela prior to its most famous president.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ ReVista


Troubled Democratic Transitions

Democratic transitions are rarely simple or easy—but the lessons of past transitions can help guide those of the present.

Haley Florsheim

Event Summaries ˙

What Does the Future Hold for Venezuela?

What do the election results mean for President Nicolás Maduro and his grip on the presidency?

Michael Shifter, Beatrice Rangel, Arturo Sarukhán, Gustavo Roosen, Julia Buxton

Latin America Advisor ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor

El desafío ahora es ganar la paz

Si los ciudadanos de Colombia ratifican el acuerdo de paz, el país comenzará un proceso difícil y largo para consolidar la paz, en el que el respaldo de los países de América Latina y sobre todo de EEUU puede ser crucial.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Política Exterior


A Conversation with the President of the Brazilian Supreme Court

Among a number of weak political and social organizations, the Brazilian judicial system stands out as the most effective and trustworthy of the country’s institutions. Because Brazilian courts are highly autonomous, they have the unique capability to independently evaluate the constitutionality of actions taken by the other branches of government.…

Haley Florsheim

Event Summaries ˙

Is Brazil’s President Closer to Being Impeached?

What is the state of the Rousseff administration’s relations with Congress, and how is that affecting the outlook for her fiscal agenda?

Roberto Teixeira da Costa, David Fleischer, Carlos Eduardo Lins da Silva, Cameron Combs, Guilherme Casarões

Latin America Advisor ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor