

Education Programs That Work

What education programs have succeeded, or failed, in developing countries and what can Latin American policymakers learn from them?

Event Summaries ˙

Sorprendente noche electoral en Estados Unidos

Michael Shifter es entrevistado por Carlos de Vega, periodista para El País, en la noche de las elecciones presidenciales en EEUU. Con unos resultados cada vez más evidentes hacia la victoria de Donald Trump, Michael y Carlos analizan las razones de su éxito, las posibles políticas de Trump en la Casa Blanca y lo que se puede esperar de este presidente electo para América Latina.

Michael Shifter, Carlos de Vega

Interviews ˙ ˙ El País



Latin America Advisor ˙


3月4日,巴西联邦警察逮捕并审问了前总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦。卢拉被控涉及巴西国家石油公司的大规模腐败丑闻。警方的突袭对卢拉在巴西国内外的权力和威望有什么影响?拘留卢拉对其门生罗塞夫总统(Dilma Rousseff)的政府将产生多大打击?为了政治生存的需要,罗塞夫是否应该远离她的导师?最高法院最近决定将以涉及巴西石油公司腐败案而起诉众议院议长爱德华多·库尼亚(罗塞夫的政敌)。这一决定对罗塞夫的弹劾将产生什么影响?

Latin America Advisor ˙

¿Volverá Trump a congelar las relaciones con Cuba?

Sigue siendo un misterio lo que Donald Trump planea hacer con respecto a la política cubana. Al principio de su campaña, pensó que la iniciativa de Obama era bienvenida, incluso con retraso. En el último mes de la carrera presidencial, cuando sus consejeros contaron votos en Florida, revirtió el rumbo y prometió detener la normalización hasta que Cuba se vuelva democrática.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Infolatam

How Much Worse Can Venezuela Get?

The country’s problems are profound and complex, with no easy answers in sight.

Ben Raderstorf, Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ SLATE

What to do with the PISA Results in Latin America?

During the last decade, Latin American countries have strongly increased their participation in international assessments, especially in the Programa Internacional para la Evaluacion de Estudiantes (PISA-International Program for Student Assessment) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and to a lesser extent in the TIMSS2 and the International…

Pedro Ravela

Reports ˙

Here’s How Venezuela Can Move Forward

It’s time for the leaders of the Caracas government and its opponents to begin negotiating a way back from the abyss.

Abraham Lowenthal

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Policy

2009 Program Report

We are pleased to present this report, highlighting our contributions to the policy debates that defined 2009.

Annual Reports ˙

What Lies Ahead for Guyana’s New Oil and Gas Deposits?

In January, oil giants ExxonMobil and Hess announced they had drilled a deepwater exploration well that strongly suggests the seafloor beneath Guyana’s coastal waters holds one of the largest oil and natural-gas discoveries in recent years. What is the outlook for Guyana’s oil and gas sector, and what has changed since the announcement of the Liza discovery nearly two years ago?

Energy Advisor ˙