
Venezuela’s Oil Sector: On the Brink of Collapse?

Venezuela’s oil industry has been in decline for years due to mismanagement and lack of investment. But this year, the industry’s problems seem to have multiplied as a result of the sharp decline in global oil prices.

Rebecca O’Connor

Event Summaries ˙

Political Developments in Cuba: A conversation with Rafael Hernández

On November 4th, the Dialogue co-hosted an event with the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) to discuss the latest political developments in Cuba with guest Rafael Hernández, editor of the Cuban periodical Temas, on a variety of economic and political developments occurring in Cuba.

Tim Mahony

Event Summaries ˙


Venezuela’s Continuing Crisis

Venezuela faces three interlocking challenges: a balance of payments crisis, a fiscal crisis, and a productivity collapse.

Diana Jordán

Event Summaries ˙

Trump y su muro en la frontera con México: ¿lo hará?

La victoria de Donald Trump en Estados Unidos sacudió las cancillerías de varios países en Latinoamérica que miran con inquietud el acceso a la presidencia del multimillonario. Pero, ¿podrá Donald Trump aplicar sus propuestas como la de construir un muro de separación entre México y Estados Unidos o renegociar los tratados comerciales?

Michael Shifter, Raphael Morán

Interviews ˙ ˙ Radio France International

Challenging Stereotypes about Latin America

It is important to overcome two stereotypes about Latin America and the Caribbean that are all too common in the United States. One is an excessively optimistic view of the region, often a result of projecting U.S. ideology and experience, combined with wishful thinking. The other is an excessively bleak vision of the region, often grounded in notions of U.S. superiority.

Abraham Lowenthal

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ América Economia

Will U.S.-Mexico Relations Continue Deteriorating?

Tensions boiled over between the United States and Mexico recently, amid U.S. President Donald Trump’s advancement of a plan to build a multi-billion-dollar wall along the countries’ shared border and his continued insistence that he will force Mexico to pay for it. The situation led Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to cancel a planned meeting with Trump in Washington and reiterate that his country would not pay for the wall. Are U.S.-Mexico relations likely to deteriorate further, or will Trump and Peña Nieto find common ground?

Latin America Advisor ˙

What Will Be Obama’s Latin America Legacy?

This month, the White House announced that U.S. President Barack Obama would be visiting Cuba and Argentina in March, what do these visits signify for Obama’s foreign policy toward Latin America as he enters his eighth and final year as president?

Latin America Advisor ˙

Does Peace Still Have a Chance in Colombia?

By a narrow margin, Colombian voters on Sunday rejected their government’s peace accords with the FARC rebels. What are the next steps forward for Colombia?

Michael Shifter, Beatrice Rangel, Maria Velez de Berliner, Myles Frechette, Daniel Velandia O.

Latin America Advisor ˙

Has Maduro’s Government Quashed the Recall Referendum?

Has the ruling government effectively shut down the efforts to remove President Nicolás Maduro from office? What steps can the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable, or MUD, take now in order to achieve their goal of removing Maduro and his party from office? Would an Istúriz administration be able to better address Venezuela’s devastating economic and humanitarian crisis?

Latin America Advisor ˙