Don’t “Chavez-ize” Foreign Policy
Nada le convendría más a Chávez que, en el momento en que la atención internacional está puesta en Piñera, tener con él una confrontación en su estilo que no reconoce maneras.
Nada le convendría más a Chávez que, en el momento en que la atención internacional está puesta en Piñera, tener con él una confrontación en su estilo que no reconoce maneras.
China’s rapid economic growth creates new possibilities for trade, investment and finance in the Caribbean.
Michael Shifter sostuvo que hay incertidumbre respecto a las acciones que pueda tomar el nuevo presidente de EUA.
The following is a sample of RIO’s monthly newsletter related to net migration flows from Mexico and Central America to the US.
Enero 2017 no traerá sólo un nuevo gobierno a la Casa Blanca, sino también el comienzo de una etapa cuya comprensión requerirá un mejor análisis de la evolución de la sociedad norteamericana y de los escenarios posibles para las relaciones con América Latina.
The surge of child migrants from Central America has put the issue of immigration back on the table.
The emigration and return of hundreds of thousands of Central Americans each year, often under difficult circumstances, represents a profound challenge for the region.
尽管委内瑞拉石油储量世界第一,但该国石油产量一直未能增加。2000年,该国石油产量为340万桶/日,随后逐步下降,至今年第一季度产量仅为259万桶/日,低于2015年278万桶/日的均值。能源顾问公司“IPD拉丁美洲(IPD Latin America)”在去年第四季度,委内瑞拉全国所有地区石油产量全部下滑,自2008年以来首次出现这种情况。委内瑞拉石油产量下降,其中有多少可以归咎于石油价格走低和市场动态,又有多少应归咎于该国动荡的政治和经济形势?在不久的将来,委内瑞拉的产油量还会下跌多少?短期内,国际原油价格不大可能超过100美元一桶,那么委内瑞拉重质原油的前景又如何呢?
Tintori has been committed to spreading the word on the political situation in Venezuela for the past three years since her husband was imprisoned by President Maduro’s government. Throughout the event the speakers highlighted that there is an undeniable dictatorship in Venezuela that hinders power autonomy, prosecutes dissidents, and violates rule of law and human rights regularly. Tintori also stressed the urgent character of what is the worst humanitarian and economic crisis in the country’s history. She advocated for the immediate release of Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma, and all the 108 political prisoners.
This closed-door session offered an opportunity for US government officials to present their priorities for the upcoming Summit of the Americas.
Ecuador’s government said Oct. 18 it had partly restricted Internet access for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has lived in asylum in the Andean nation’s London embassy for more than four years. Why has Ecuador, whose leader, Rafael Correa, often locks ideological horns with the United States, taken steps to restrict Assange now?
Since taking over as Argentina’s president a year ago, Mauricio Macri has implemented free-market measures in an effort to spur the economy and attract foreign investment. However, the country’s economy contracted for the fourth consecutive time in last year’s third quarter, and Macri in December dismissed his finance minister, Alfonso Prat-Gay, and split his ministry of treasury and finance into two cabinet departments. What kinds of economic policies can be expected of new Treasury Minister Nicolás Dujovne and new Finance Minister Luis Caputo?
Chile is at an important moment. Over 20 years after democratization, the government now faces of transition towards modernization and electoral transparency.
¿Debe México hacer campaña en Estados Unidos para que conciudadanos se registren y voten, y otra para resaltar los beneficios del TLCAN? ¿Es momento de pensar en cómo recibiremos a millones de deportados, hay que dar la pelea en tribunales internacionales de derechos humanos? ¿Llegó la hora de preparar represalias comerciales contra Estados Unidos y considerar nuevos socios en AL, Europa y Asia? Son muchas preguntas, y variadas y hasta opuestas las respuestas que dan diplomáticos, politólogos y analistas. Sólo una sola cosa es cierta: Trump es impredecible.
Will the case have a chilling effect on future investigations?