¿Debe México hacer campaña en Estados Unidos para que conciudadanos se registren y voten, y otra para resaltar los beneficios del TLCAN? ¿Es momento de pensar en cómo recibiremos a millones de deportados, hay que dar la pelea en tribunales internacionales de derechos humanos? ¿Llegó la hora de preparar represalias comerciales contra Estados Unidos y considerar nuevos socios en AL, Europa y Asia? Son muchas preguntas, y variadas y hasta opuestas las respuestas que dan diplomáticos, politólogos y analistas. Sólo una sola cosa es cierta: Trump es impredecible.
Michael Shifter fue entrevistado por Gerardo Torres de El Salvador sobre los temas más destacados en la agenda regional. Entre otros asuntos, Shifter habló sobre el futuro de la paz en Colombia, la crisis política y económica en Venezuela, y el impacto de las elecciones de Estados Unidos en la región.
A close ally of President Enrique Peña Nieto, Ochoa took the helm of the PRI promising to renew the party and make it more transparent. What does Ochoa bring to the PRI and to Peña Nieto’s government?
North America the economic powerhouse has reigned supreme for nearly a century, becoming the largest and strongest in the world, an industrial dynamo, a commodities cornucopia and a magnet for millions upon millions of immigrants seeking a better life.
As Latin American countries reassess their energy policies in light of lower oil prices, there is an opportunity to apply lessons learned from the US experience to enact regulations that mitigate environmental risks, strengthen public support, and attract investment.
As global oil prices collapsed over the last two years, regional governments have started to lose their leverage in the energy industry. To attract international investors, they must offer increasingly favorable terms, which means ceding more of their own control.
In the wake of the COP21 global climate talks, governments must shift attention to how they will actually follow through on the commitments made in Paris. One concept is central to achieving that goal – innovation.
It has become increasingly difficult for remittance companies to access banking services. This memo analyzes current trends in bank account closures and discusses their implications for family remittances.