
Health official address coronavirus

Is the Coronavirus a Major Threat to Latin America?

What will be the coronavirus outbreak’s global economic fallout, and how will such trends affect Latin American and Caribbean economies?

Margaret Myers, Fiona Mackie, Peter Sand, Zhen Pan

Latin America Advisor ˙

Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean is expected to rebound this year after years of economic decline, according to the International Monetary Fund’s Alejandro Werner. // File Photo: International Monetary Fund.

Are Latin America’s Economies Facing More Headwinds?

How are external factors such as global trade tensions, the coronavirus outbreak and Brexit likely to affect Latin America and the Caribbean, and what structural issues are still holding the region back?

Alicia Bárcena, Shelly Shetty, David Ross, Alfredo Coutiño

Latin America Advisor ˙

Protesters have criticized Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez over aid that was undistributed following Hurricane Maria in 2017. // File Photo: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

How Much Will a Scandal Over Aid Harm Puerto Rico?

Why did Puerto Rico’s government fail to distribute the aid, and could the incident affect future disbursements of federal funds for the U.S. territory?

Beatrice Rangel, Mayra Vélez Serrano, Kenneth McClintock, Jacqueline Font-Guzmán, Julio López Varona

Latin America Advisor ˙

Militaries throughout Latin America have been taking on an increasing number of tasks and have had a political impact in some countries. // File Photo: Peruvian Army.

Are Latin America’s Militaries Taking on Too Much Power?

How has the role of the military changed in Latin American countries over the past year, and is it a cause for concern?

Peter Hakim, Rut Diamint, Douglas M. Fraser, Kristina Mani, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán

Latin America Advisor ˙

What’s at Stake for Latinos (and Latin America) in the U.S. Presidential Vote?

With less than 10 months until election day, how is the U.S. presidential race shaping up? What issues or proposals from candidates are emerging as most relevant for Latin America and the Caribbean? What role are Latinos playing in the 2020 election’s outcome?

Lino Gutierrez, Mark Feierstein, John Zogby, Danny Turkel

Latin America Advisor ˙

Has Bolsonaro’s First Year Been a Success or Failure?

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday completed his first year in office, one marked by international controversy over the Amazon, a slight economic recovery, political spats within his own party, as well as some significant legislative wins, including comprehensive pension reform. How well has Bolsonaro fared in his first year as Brazil’s president, and has he met voters’ expectations of change? How well is his government handling economic matters, and what should it focus on in the year ahead? To what extent has Bolsonaro’s confrontational political style helped or hindered his effectiveness in working with Brazil’s Congress?

Peter Hakim, Nerea R. García, Jorge Zaverucha, Fábio Kerche

Latin America Advisor ˙

Is China Going to Help El Salvador Develop Faster?

Is El Salvador’s recent decision to cut ties with Taiwan in favor of establishing them with China paying off?

Margaret Myers, Guo Jie, Ricardo Cevallos, Ray Walser

Latin America Advisor ˙

Canadian, Mexican and U.S. officials signed amendments to the USMCA trade accord last week in Mexico City. // Photo: Mexican Government.

What Are the Most Important Changes to the USMCA?

How will the changes affect the three North American countries, and which sectors are set to gain or lose the most from them?

Andrés Rozental, Michelle DiGruttolo, Nicolás Mariscal, Andrew Rudman, Tamara Kay, Miyako Yerick, Carlo Dade, Kim Nolan García

Latin America Advisor ˙

Editor’s Picks: Top Content from the Latin America Advisor 2019

Top selections from the Latin America Advisor’s editorial staff of issues covering especially important developments during 2019, a remarkable year for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Gene Kuleta, Anastasia Chacón González

Latin America Advisor ˙