
A vendor in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, is pictured above.

How Can Latin America Help Its Most Vulnerable?

In what ways is Covid-19 affecting informal workers in the Americas, and which governments have implemented the best measures to protect informal sectors, both in terms of health care services and economic relief?

Santiago Levy, Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian, Sebastián Acha, Lauren M. Allen, Audriana Rodriguez, Charles T. Call

Latin America Advisor ˙

Governments throughout Latin America have employed sweeping emergency measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic. In Peru, President Martín Vizcarra has ordered the military to enforce the country’s quarantine. // File Photo: Peruvian Government.

Will Emergency Measures Amid the Pandemic Threaten Democracies?

Are emergency measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic putting Latin American and Caribbean democracies at risk?

Kevin Casas-Zamora, Shannon O’Neil, Sergio Bitar, Nicolás Mariscal, Maria Velez de Berliner, Nicolás Marsical

Latin America Advisor ˙

A terminal operated by Brazilian state oil company is pictured. // File Photo: Petrobras.

How Are Plunging Oil Prices Changing Petrobras’ Strategies?

What consequences does the global context—with both lower prices and falling demand—have on Petrobras’ long-term strategies and on Brazil’s oil and gas sector in general?

Nathália Weber Neiva Masulino, Vera de Brito de Gyarfas, Cleveland Jones, John Forman

Energy Advisor ˙

Photo: Honduran Armed Forces.

How Can Countries Guarantee Food in Emergencies?

How can countries such as Honduras best guarantee food security in times of emergency, and what sorts of unanticipated disruptions could emerge in the food value chain as a result of government intervention in Honduras?

María Dolores Agüero, Juan Carlos Sikaffy C., James D. Nealon, Stephen C. Donehoo, Diana Chavez

Latin America Advisor ˙

Primary wins in three states brought former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (L) closer to clinching his party’s nomination in the presidential race. He and Sen. Bernie Sanders (R) are vying to unseat U.S. President Donald Trump. // File Photos: Biden Campaign, Sanders Campaign.

What Would a New U.S. Administration Mean for the Region?

How would a Democratic administration differ from a second Trump term with regard to foreign policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean?

Arturo Sarukhán, Rebecca Bill Chavez, Michelle DiGruttolo, Ray Walser, Marc Becker, Miyako Yerick, Danny Turkel, Todd Bensman

Latin America Advisor ˙

Around the world, including in Latin America and the Caribbean, the number of cases of the novel coronavirus, or Covid-19, has grown exponentially. Governments have implemented increasingly tough restrictions to try to contain the spread.

How Well Are Latin American Nations Handling Covid-19?

How are Latin American and Caribbean nations coping with the spread of the new coronavirus?

Andrés Rozental, Katherine E. Bliss, María L. Ávila-Agüero, Alejandro Chafuen, Adriano Massuda

Latin America Advisor ˙

A platform of Brazilian state oil company Petrobras is pictured.

How Hard Will the Oil Price Plunge Hit Latin America?

Which oil-producing nations in Latin America and the Caribbean will be the hardest hit by the oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia?

Lisa Viscidi, Sarah Phillips, Cleveland Jones, Chris Cote, Joel Acosta

Latin America Advisor ˙

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro last month created a commission with the aim of revamping the country’s oil industry, which he said was in a state of emergency. // File Photo: Venezuelan Government.

What Does Maduro’s ‘Energy Emergency’ Mean for Venezuela?

How much will the latest sanctions hurt Venezuela’s oil production and exports, and will the move ultimately result in significantly more pressure on Maduro to step down?

Francisco J. Monaldi, Massimiliano Ballotta, Javier Coronado, Arturo H. Banegas Masiá, Richard N. Sawaya

Energy Advisor ˙

The recent killings of a 25-year-old woman and a 7-year-old girl have led to outrage in Mexico. A demonstration against femicides in Mexico City last November is pictured. // File Photo: Thayne Tuason via Creative Commons.

Will Tougher Penalties Reduce Mexico’s Femicides?

What can Mexico do to eliminate violence against girls and women, and to what extent can the root causes of femicide be addressed through policy?

Lisa Sánchez, Caroline Beer, Julia Escalante, Tania Reneaum

Latin America Advisor ˙

Costa Rica’s finance minister, Rodrigo Chaves, recently said the government will sell state assets in order to lower its debt level. // File Photo: Costa Rican Government.

How Serious Have Costa Rica’s Fiscal Problems Become?

Why are ratings agencies taking a dim view of Costa Rica’s finances, and are the government’s plans enough to manage the country’s ballooning deficit?

Eli Feinzaig, Silvia Hernández, María Inés Solís, Ottón Solís, Gabriel Torres

Latin America Advisor ˙

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro // File Photo: Brazilian Government

Will Brazil Allow Development on Indigenous Lands?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the development of indigenous land in Brazil.

Isabella Alcañiz, Leni Berliner, Jana Nelson, Luiza Lima

Latin America Advisor ˙