
Protesters in Chile have long aired grievances over the country’s pension system. President Sebastián Piñera proposed reforms earlier this year, and now a group of senators wants to nationalize the system. // File Photo: CONSTRAMET.

Should Chile’s Pension System Be Nationalized?

Should Chile’s pension system be nationalized, and how would such a move affect current and future retirees?

Fernando Larraín, Olivia Mitchell, Sergio Urzua, Alfonso de Urresti, Kathleen Barclay, Peter Winn

Financial Advisor ˙

The Covid-19 pandemic has spurred debate over whether countries should provide their citizens a universal basic income. // File Photo: Mexican Government.

Should Countries Provide a Universal Basic Income?

What would a Universal Basic Income system look like in Latin America and the Caribbean, and what unintended consequences might such a system bring?

Claudio Loser, Nora Lustig, Claudio M. Loser, Mac Margolis, Paul R. Katz

Latin America Advisor ˙

A Costa Rican flag waves beside a rainbow pride flag outside the presidential palace in San José.

Costa Rica Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

Costa Rica became the first Central American country, and the sixth one in Latin America, to fully legalize same-sex marriage.

Anastasia Chacón González

Latin America Advisor ˙

International companies and local industry groups have blasted Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s new power sector measures.

Do Mexico’s New Power Sector Rules Favor the State?

What do the new rules in Mexico’s power sector entail, and why have the sparked controversy among energy companies and local industry groups?

Héctor Castro Vizcarra, Jeremy Martin, Víctor Rodríguez, Dino Barajas, Geoffrey Jones, Pedro Niembro, Jose L. Valera, Doris Rodriguez, Carlos Chavez, Carlos Ochoa

Energy Advisor ˙

File Photo: WTO.

Can a New Leader Revitalize the World Trade Organization?

What did Brazil’s Azevêdo bring to the WTO, and how does his early departure affect the organization and its work?

Kellie Meiman, Kristen Hopewell, Gary Hufbauer, Richard Eglin, Renata Vargas Amaral

Latin America Advisor ˙

Governments in Latin America, including Chilean Education Ministry officials, pictured above, are working on plans that involve social distancing for when students return to schools. // File Photo: Chilean Government.

Will Latin America’s Schools Be Able to Reopen Safely?

Do schools in Latin America and the Caribbean have enough government funding and resources to both educate students and protect their health amid Covid-19?

Ariel Fiszbein, Timothy Scully, Michael C. Lisman, Maria Soledad Bos

Latin America Advisor ˙

Event participants Video

Innovation and Technology in Latin America’s Post-Pandemic Recovery

On May 13, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted the online webinar “Innovation and Technology in Latin America’s Post-Pandemic Recovery” with the participation of Carmen Pagés-Serra, Andrés Cadena, Ángel Melguizo, and Victor Muñoz.

Irene Estefanía, Sarah Galbenski

Event Summaries ˙

Argentine President Alberto Fernández’s government is seeking debt relief in talks with international creditors. // File Photo: Argentine Government.

Will Argentina Be Able to Reach a Deal With its Creditors?

What are the major sticking points keeping Argentina and its international creditors from reaching a deal, and what needs to happen for the country to avoid a default on May 22?

Jorge Argüello, Kezia McKeague, Arturo Porzecanski, Horacio Verbitsky

Latin America Advisor ˙

A photo of empty streets in Santiago, Chile. // Photo: Municipality of Santiago.

Has Covid Halted Momentum for Change in Chile?

Has the coronavirus pandemic interrupted protesters’ momentum and hopes for social change in Chile?

Patricio D. Navia, María Cristina Escudero, Claudia Heiss, Guillermo Holzmann

Latin America Advisor ˙

Some of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policies have unnerved investors. // File Photo: Mexican Government.

Is López Obrador Eroding Mexico’s Business Climate?

How are President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policies affecting Mexican companies and foreign investors’ appetite for putting money into the country’s businesses?

Salvador Fonseca, Adrián Magallanes, Duncan Wood, Leonardo Beltrán

Latin America Advisor ˙

Chile has recorded more than 20,000 cases, but only 270 deaths, one of the lowest rates in the world. // File Photo: Chilean Government.

Covid-19 in the Americas: A Case in Contrasts

Some governments in Latin America imposed early preventive measures and mobilized health systems to meet the threat of Covid-19. Meanwhile, others with populist national leaders have done very little to prepare for or otherwise mitigate the epidemic.

Julio Frenk, Felicia Marie Knaul, Michael Touchton

Latin America Advisor ˙

Inter-American Development Bank President Luis Alberto Moreno recently cited technology companies in Colombia among the innovators during the Covid-19 pandemic. // File Photo: Inter-American Development Bank.

Can Innovation and Tech Help Colombia Cope and Recover?

How can innovation and technology be deployed in Colombia in education, health, financial services and other areas affected by the health and economic crises?

Maria Velez de Berliner, Laura Gaviria Halaby, Felipe Colmenares, Kathleen McInerney

Latin America Advisor ˙

El Salvador's President, Nayib Bukele.

Is El Salvador’s Bukele Operating Above the Law?

Is President Nayib Bukele right or wrong to stand his ground on the government’s tough coronavirus lockdown measures in El Salvador despite court rulings against them?

Carlos Dada, Leonor Arteaga, Beatrice Rangel, Mari Carmen Aponte

Latin America Advisor ˙

Image of Earth in outer space, taken by NASA.

Will the Pandemic Lead to a Less Globalized World?

Will the post-coronavirus world see a significant shift away from multilateralism, and which countries in Latin America and the Caribbean would stand to gain or lose the most in this context?

Rebecca Bill Chavez, Kenneth Maxwell, Isabel de Saint Malo, José Antonio Ocampo

Latin America Advisor ˙

A vendor in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, is pictured above.

How Can Latin America Help Its Most Vulnerable?

In what ways is Covid-19 affecting informal workers in the Americas, and which governments have implemented the best measures to protect informal sectors, both in terms of health care services and economic relief?

Santiago Levy, Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian, Sebastián Acha, Lauren M. Allen, Audriana Rodriguez, Charles T. Call

Latin America Advisor ˙