
Caribbean Energy Synergies panelists Video

Caribbean Energy Synergies

To better understand the role of Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago both globally and in the Caribbean, the Inter-American Dialogue convened a group of experts as part of the event Caribbean Energy Synergies.

Michael Kerns

Event Summaries ˙

Panelists at Wall Street Event at the Dialogue Video

Wall Street’s Influence on Democracy in Latin America

While the market inherently lacks the ability to discriminate between democratic and undemocratic regimes, the identification of autocracy as a tangible risk factor is crucial. Investors must recognize that supporting non-democratic regimes ultimately undermines their own interests.

Daniel Caballero

Event Summaries ˙

Panelist at the 2023 AmericasBarometer Event Video

The Pulse of Democracy in the Americas: Results of the 2023 AmericasBarometer

In Latin America, trust in democracy takes two paths: Good Governance, meeting citizens’ expectations under the rule of law, and Populism, where a leader perceived as a savior, centralizes power to deliver on promises. This finding was among the key insights revealed during the highly anticipated launch of the 2023 AmericasBarometer.

Daniel Caballero

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Panelist at the Event Mobilizing Youth for Democracy Video

Mobilizing Youth for Democracy and Human Rights

In the midst of democratic decline in the region, young people are emerging as agents of change. Their active participation not only represents a fresh and vibrant voice in regional politics but also offers a new perspective and focus to address the challenges facing the region.

Daniel Caballero, Patrick Springer

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Foto de autoridades locales colombianos Video

La agenda ambiental y climática en Colombia: autoridades locales hablan

Colombia ha sido ejemplar en la apuesta por una transformación económica verde. Para reconocer sus esfuerzos y escuchar más sobre los retos y logros de la agenda ambiental local en Colombia, el Diálogo Interamericano reunió a cinco figuras locales para discutir sus planes y ambiciones.  

Michael Kerns

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of Central America

Remilitarization in Central America

On Thursday October 12, 2023, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a private event with IBI Consultants to celebrate the publication of the report “Remilitarization in Central America: A Comparable and Regional Analysis.”

Marianne Richardson

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Panelists speaking at the Seventh Annual Latin America Energy Conference

Panelists Discuss the Oil Peak, the IRA and CHIPS, and Decarbonization Strategies

The Seventh Annual Latin America Energy Conference convened experts to explore how tools like energy diplomacy, strategic investments, regulation, technology, and information could square these countries’ urgent need to decarbonize with their continued extraction of fossil fuel resources.

Michael Kerns

Event Summaries ˙

Panelists at the event on What's Next for the International Response to Venezuela Video

What’s Next for the International Response to Venezuela?

Amid Venezuela’s crisis and the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, a potential opportunity for a democratic transition may emerge. The escalating authoritarianism, human rights abuses, and dire humanitarian situation underscore the critical importance of addressing these challenges while also identifying opportunities for transition to occur.

Daniel Caballero, Trinidad Lorente

Event Summaries ˙

Photo of Rebecca Bill Chavez and President Irfaan Ali Video

A Conversation with Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali

On September 13, 2023, President Irfaan Ali joined Inter-American Dialogue President & CEO Rebecca Bill Chavez for a conversation on sustainable management of oil & gas revenue and the future of US-Guyana ties.

Bernarda Jarrín

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