
Students in a technology training program in Argentina

What Initiatives Will Help Lower Youth Unemployment?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A with expert viewpoints on how to address youth unemployment, which has spiraled amid the pandemic.

Alicia Bárcena, Mariana Costa, Richard Delgado, Diogo Brunacci, Vinicius Pinheiro

Latin America Advisor ˙

Collage of event speaker photos and featured event photo Video

Deepening Cooperation and Coordination on Health Policy in the Americas

On June 28, 2021, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted the online event “Deepening Cooperation on Health Policy in the Americas.” The panel discussed a new report published by the Inter-American Health Task Force, which analyzed the response to Covid-19 in the Western Hemisphere and identified recommendations to improve cooperation and coordination in health policies across the Americas.

Dylan Gervasio

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Download Report

Foto de los panelistas y una profesora Video

The effect of the pandemic on teacher wellbeing – Evaluating the impact and preparing for school reopening

On June 17, the Education Program at the Dialogue with the support of the Tinker Foundation hosted the third event of a series which sought to highlight the experiences of Latin America’s teachers during the pandemic and present alternatives to measure the emotional state and wellbeing of teachers. 

Sarah Stanton, Micaela Finoli, Gladys Gerbaud Navarro

Event Summaries ˙

Deepening Cooperation and Coordination on Health Policy in the Americas Report Cover

Deepening Cooperation and Coordination on Health Policy in the Americas

The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare fundamental weaknesses in political leadership, coordination, and health policy integration in the Western Hemisphere. The current geopolitical divides undermined the few mechanisms that were in place for effective cooperation on health governance. This white paper presented by the Inter-American Health Task Force, aims to understand better the lessons and challenges of the regional response to Covid-19 and appraise, in retrospect, how they were addressed and how they could have been addressed. The paper also makes specific recommendations. These recommendations are grouped into five areas geared toward improving cooperation and coordination in health policy to support regional Covid-19 response and recovery, as well as future health emergencies.

Inter-American Health Task Force

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Book cover of O Brasil tem Medo do Mundo? Ou mundo tem medo do Brasil?

Member in the News: Roberto Teixeira da Costa

Roberto Teixeira da Costa, president and founder of the Arbitrage Chamber of the São Paulo Market and founding chair of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CBM), has published an e-book titled O Brasil tem medo do mundo? Ou mundo tem medo do Brasil? or “Is Brazil afraid of the world? Or is the world afraid of Brazil?”

Roberto Teixeira da Costa

Member in the News ˙

Nora Lustig

Member in the News: Nora Lustig

Nora Lustig, founding director of Tulane University’s Commitment to Equity Institute (CEQI), is leading a new project in CEQI titled “Measuring Fiscal Equity in the Post-Covid-19 World.” The project has been awarded almost $1.2 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Nora Lustig

Member in the News ˙

remittances and covid-19 report cover

A Commitment to Family: Remittances and Covid-19

This report from the Migration, Remittances & Development Program presents the findings of a survey carried out with more than 1,000 US immigrants from eight Latin American and Caribbean nationalities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study identifies critical aspects that shaped migrants’ experiences in 2020 and early 2021, and, more importantly, the determinants of continuing to send money back home in times of crisis. 

Manuel Orozco, Kathryn Klaas

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Colombian President Iván Duque

Can Colombia Find a Peaceful Way to End Deadly Unrest?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on massive social unrest and the state’s heavy-handed response in Colombia.

Elizabeth Dickinson, Francisco Santos, Humberto de la Calle, Arlene B. Tickner, Gwen Burnyeat, Gimena Sánchez-Garzoli

Latin America Advisor ˙

Lisa Viscidi presenta en un webinar sobre la transicion energetica en Colombia Video

El reto de la transición energética en Colombia

El 26 de abril, Lisa Viscidi, directora del Programa de Energía, Cambio Climático e Industrias Extractivas, participó en un evento de Fedesarrollo sobre la transición energética en Colombia y los desafíos que enfrenta. Viscidi aportó un contexto internacional, describiendo tres factores que afectarán la velocidad de la transición energética tanto global como en Colombia: innovaciones tecnológicas, los efectos de la pandemia sobre el comportamiento de los consumidores a largo plazo y cambios en las políticas y regulaciones.

Lisa Viscidi

Presentations ˙ ˙ Fedesarrollo

Report cover with blue wash of the report

The Covid-19 Pandemic and Prison Policy in Latin America

This report from the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program posits that policy reforms adopted out of necessity during the pandemic in regards to prison policy, some of which were considered politically unpalatable before the Covid-19 emergency, offer important lessons and in some cases proof of concept for overdue shifts in prison policy.

María Luisa Romero, Luisa Stalman, Azul Hidalgo Solá

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Binetti en Club de Prensa Video

¿Qué esperar de la segunda vuelta electoral en Perú?

Bruno Binetti, investigador no residente del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en el programa Club de Prensa de NTN24 moderado por Gustau Alegret. Entre los temas de discusión se trataron la primera vuelta electoral en Perú, las elecciones departamentales en Bolivia y el estado de la pandemia del Covid-19 en el mundo.

Bruno Binetti, Gustau Alegret

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

A photograph, in color, of new Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga speaking into a microphone.

Can Brazil Stop Spiraling Covid-19 Cases and Deaths?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Brazil’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing health crisis.

Monica de Bolle, Nestor Forster Jr., Gabriela Lotta, Paulo M. Buss, Valéria Guimarães de Lima e Silva

Latin America Advisor ˙

Shifter y Iglesias, Cátedra de América Latina

Las nuevas fronteras de las relaciones EEUU-América Latina

El 16 de marzo, Michael Shifter participó en una sesión de la Cátedra de América Latina de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas. La sesión empezó con una presentación sobre las realidades actuales de la región y después pasó a una conversación entre Shifter y el director de la Cátedra, Enrique Iglesias, quien es miembro del Diálogo Interamericano.

Michael Shifter, Enrique Iglesias

Presentations ˙ ˙ Universidad Pontificia Comillas