
Drugs: The Debate Goes Mainstream

What is the best way to deal with drugs? Criminalizing drug users or treating them as patients?

Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Ernesto Zedillo, César Gaviria

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Post

Will Congress Unravel the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

How will election-year politics play into the TPP’s future? What steps can supporters of the accord take to help secure passage?

Jim Kolbe, Gary Hufbauer, Welles Orr

Latin America Advisor ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor

China, América Latina & Chile 2030

Las exportaciones a China de América Latina pasaron de 6 mil millones a 140 mil millones de dólares, 23 veces entre esos años, cifras raramente vistas en el comercio internacional. Los efectos han sido sustanciales.

Sergio Bitar

Presentations ˙

What Did Obama & Peña Nieto Achieve?

What were the most important developments to come out of the meeting between the two presidents?

Arturo Sarukhán, Eliot L. Engel, Juan Carlos Hartasánchez, James R. Jones

Remaking Brazil-US Relations, Once Again

Brazil and the United States seem increasingly intent on easing the current strains in their troubled relationship.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Estadão

Did Fidel Destroy His Own Legacy?

No one can deny Fidel Castro his place in history. He was, by any measure, the most prominent political figure in Latin America in the 20th century, maybe since Christopher Columbus. The question is whether the narrative will be mostly about bold dreams and progressive change—or about oppression and stagnation in Cuba.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙

China’s Venezuela Conundrum

The government of Nicolás Maduro has made some last-ditch efforts to cut costs and pay off debts, but it is quickly running out of lifelines.

Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Miami Herald

Vientos nuevos desde el sur

La encuesta del GDA a líderes de opinión muestra que el 2015 marcó una nueva etapa para el continente americano e ilustra los temas que serán centrales en el año que comienza. Fue un año de avances en la resolución de conflictos históricos y de cambio político en muchos países.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Tiempo

US-Cuba: Progress, Challenges & Suprises

Little opposition to the restoration of US-Cuba relations has registered, although challenges lie ahead for both countries.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The Banker

On the Zika Crisis

Government agencies and international organizations race to find a solution given recent information about the link between Zika and neurological disorders.

Missy Reif

Reports ˙

Should Money Transmitters Verify Migration Status?

A bill pending in the US Congress would require money transmitters to verify their customers’ immigration status. Is this measure good policy?

Earl Jarrett, Dan Stein, David Landsman, Kai Schmitz