Failing Grade
The goal of education is to promote learning. Sitting in classrooms is a weak proxy for knowing how to read, do math, and apply science. Latin America needs to worry less about schooling and more about learning.
The goal of education is to promote learning. Sitting in classrooms is a weak proxy for knowing how to read, do math, and apply science. Latin America needs to worry less about schooling and more about learning.
Since December 2005, Argentina has relied on La Ley de Financiamiento Educativo (Law of Education Financing), an instrument to modify the structure of education financing, which introduced significant changes in the political and financial relations between the national government and the subnational governments.
The GTEE’s (Grupo de Trabajo sobre Estándares y Evaluación) idea of studying teacher evaluation practices in the classrooms arose in mid-2006. Until then the focus was on standardized learning evaluations and on topics regarding the curriculum and standards. Nevertheless, all the work done by this group as well as direct experience…
El tema del liderazgo distribuido ha captado un creciente interés tanto en el ámbito de la investigación sobre educación como en la gestión propiamente de sistemas educativos. Esta edición presenta las conclusiones de un estudio de caso en un distrito escolar del sur de la provincia de Ontario, Canadá, así…
Since December 2005, Argentina implemented an Education Financing Law, a tool that modified the structure of financing education and introduced significant changes in political and financial relations between national and subnational governments. Its main objective is to increase investment in education, science, and technology to reach a GDP of 6%…
Since December 2005, Argentina relies on La Ley de Financiamiento Educativo (Law of Education Financing), an instrument to modify the structure of education financing and introduced significant changes in the political and financial relations between the national government and the subnational government.
En su libro ¿Cómo liderar nuestras escuelas? Aportes desde la investigación, el investigador canadiense Kenneth Leithwood recopila artículos que destacan la importancia del liderazgo educativo. La presente edición de la Serie Políticas de PREAL resume el capítulo 3, referido a “Efectos del liderazgo colectivo sobre el logro escolar”, escrito por…
Con la experiencia acumulada a lo largo de su trayectoria, PREAL se ha ido constituyendo en un referente en los temas educativos en la región, demostrado en una creciente demanda por consejo, apoyo técnico y participación en foros nacionales e internacionales. Descargue el documento completo abajo.
This report analyzes the main problems regarding teacher performance evaluations in primary and secondary education, through a recent literature review and a study of current practices in OECD countries.
Diversos sistemas educativos del mundo -entre ellos algunos de los más sobresalientes en los rankings internacionales de rendimiento escolar- han aumentado su grado de descentralización como parte de sus reformas orientadas a mejorar la efectividad y resultados educativos. Destacamos aquí algunos de los que han apostado a un fuerte rol…
The Ecuadorian education system has improved since the previous 2006 report. Ecuador has achieved to expand enrollment in basic education and most students complete the six years of regulatory primary education. The new evaluation system not only monitors students, but also teachers, management and curriculum, making it easier to identify…
Haiti is not only the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it is also the least educated. Roughly half the population is illiterate. Only two-thirds of children who begin primary school complete it.
Un estudio reciente indica que es posible desarrollar un sistema educacional de calidad mundial en contextos descentralizados, que todos los sistemas de esa naturaleza se apoyan significativamente en el nivel local y que su éxito depende de la capacidad de ciertos procesos claves –entre los que destaca el monitoreo y…
This is the third Report Card on Education that is produced in Peru. In that sense, this gives us the possibility- as long as the data allow us- to make comparisons over time. It is important to recognize that the results of the first report card, published in 2004, we…
Education is one of the key factors for economic growth and human development. The benefits of education go beyond the academic and contribute to economic goals such as growth and productivity, as well as social fundamentals such as improving health, social cohesion and strengthening democracy. In a globalized and highly…