
Conservative Alejandro Giammattei was elected Guatemala’s president on Sunday in the country’s presidential runoff. // File Photo: Giammattei Campaign.

What Will a New President Bring to Guatemala?

To what can Giammattei attribute his victory, and what policies can Guatemalans expect during his presidency?

Salvador Paiz, Mario Polanco, James Meyer

Latin America Advisor ˙

will Macri’s economic package alleviate citizens’ economic woes in the short and long terms, and will they win him support ahead of the October presidential election?

Will New Economic Measures Boost Argentina’s Macri?

Will Macri’s economic package alleviate Argentina’s economic woes, and will they win him support ahead of the October presidential election?

Claudio Loser, Megan Cook, Horacio Verbitsky, Andrés Asiain, Jorge Castro

Latin America Advisor ˙

The number of fires in the Amazon rain forest has swelled this year, leading to international concern and a meeting of South American leaders last week in Colombia. // Photo: Brazilian Government.

Are Amazon Nations Prepared to Fight Forest Fires?

What are South American countries already doing to protect the Amazon, and how else can they cooperate?

Yolanda Kakabadse, Leila Salazar-López, Henrique Rzezinski, José Goldemberg, Mark S. Langevin

Latin America Advisor ˙

Former Colombian Vice President Germán Vargas is challenging the country’s tax reform in the Constitutional Court. // File Photo: Colombian Government.

Will Colombia’s Controversial Tax Reform Be Voided?

What would be the consequences for the government, individuals and companies if the Constitutional Court invalidates the tax reform?

David Ross, Oscar Ardila, Richard Francis, César Caballero

Latin America Advisor ˙

The International Monetary Fund and the government of Ecuadorean President Lenín Moreno agreed on the terms of a loan deal in March. // File Photo: Ecuadorean Economy.

Will Protesters Reverse Ecuador’s Economic Reforms?

What actions has Ecuador’s government taken to comply with its commitments under the IMF agreement, and have they been successful?

Mauricio Pozo, Caterina Costa de García, Juan J. Paz-y-Miño Cepeda

Latin America Advisor ˙

Is the USMCA Deal Doomed If Congress Fails to Ratify It?

How likely is the U.S. Congress to approve USMCA this year, and what sorts of complications would pushing its ratification into 2020 bring? How are political dynamics affecting the deal’s passage? If the trade pact is delayed further, to what extent will North America’s manufacturers suffer?

Jim Kolbe, Arturo Sarukhán, Michelle DiGruttolo, Tamara Kay, Miyako Yerick

Latin America Advisor ˙