
Inter-American Development Bank building

Latin America Won’t Give In to Trump Without a Fight

For the Trump administration, there seem to be only two options in dealing with multilateral institutions: withdraw (as in the case of the World Health Organization) or take them over. In the tussle over the Inter-American Development Bank, the region is prepared to wait him out. The ball is now in Latin America’s court.

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Policy

Event summary picture Video

Economic Recovery and the Potential for Expanding Production in the Americas

On July 30, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Economic Recovery and the Potential for Expanding Production in the Americas,” a webinar featuring Martha Bárcena, Michelle DiGruttolo, Gabrielle Trebat and Edgar Villanueva. The discussion focused on the ways in which Covid-19 has disrupted regional supply chains and the potential for regional economic integration in the post-pandemic recovery.

Casey Wetherbee

Event Summaries ˙

Ralph Gonsalves, the prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (center), welcomed Cuban doctors to his country last March. // File Photo: Prensa Latina.

Is the Government of Cuba Exploiting Medical Workers?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on Cuba’s doctors program and allegations of human rights violations.

Lenier González, Vicki Huddleston, Marco Rubio, Otto Reich, Wazim Mowla

Latin America Advisor ˙

LEGO map of South America

Regionalism and Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has once more demonstrated the fragility of Latin American regional and subregional organizations, and the reasons for it: the weaknesses of domestic institutions, the lack of shared interests and values, and the dependence on foreign powers. It is not too late to turn the pandemic into an opportunity to acknowledge the existence of common interests, and the value of pursuing them collectively.

Ana Covarrubias

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Unfulfilled Promises: Latin America Today

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier this month said the United States was withdrawing from the World Health Organization, whose headquarters in Geneva is pictured above. // File Photo: World Health Organization.

Is the United States Right to Withdraw From the WHO?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ views on the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization.

Andrew Rudman, Katherine E. Bliss, Ross Marchand, Carlos Espinal

Latin America Advisor ˙

In his first foreign trip as Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador arrived Tuesday in Washington and meets today with U.S. President Donald Trump. // File Photo: Mexican Government.

What Will AMLO Gain From His Visit to the White House?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on Mexican President López Obrador’s first trip abroad since taking office, to Washington.

Arturo Sarukhán, Martha Bárcena, Laura Carlsen, Earl Anthony Wayne, Laura Carlsen

Latin America Advisor ˙

The United States nominated Mauricio Claver-Carone to head the Inter-American Development Bank. // File Photo: U.S. State Department.

Who Should Lead the Inter-American Development Bank?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on current candidates in the running to lead the Inter-American Development Bank.

Kevin P. Gallagher, Cynthia J. Arnson, Marco Rubio, José Antonio Ocampo, Eduardo Ulibarri, Andrés Martínez-Fernández

Latin America Advisor ˙

Street in China, Woman with an umbrella

Latin America After Covid-19: Just as Heterogeneous, Fragmented, and Irrelevant as Before…So Now What?

How does the Covid-19 pandemic affect Latin America’s insertion with the world? Andrés Malamud explored this topic in the book ‘Unfulfilled Promises’ in 2019. Today he reflects on how the pandemic has changed none of the trends he then identified. Rather, it has highlighted all of them: at the global level, we witness increasing multipolarity, failure of multilateral cooperation, and a Sino-American power transition; in Latin America, we observe structural heterogeneity, political fragmentation, and geopolitical irrelevance. Let us elaborate.

Andrés Malamud

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Unfulfilled Promises: Latin America Today

File Photo: WTO.

Can a New Leader Revitalize the World Trade Organization?

What did Brazil’s Azevêdo bring to the WTO, and how does his early departure affect the organization and its work?

Kellie Meiman, Kristen Hopewell, Gary Hufbauer, Richard Eglin, Renata Vargas Amaral

Latin America Advisor ˙

Virtual Members Forum

Virtual Forum for Dialogue Members

On May 19, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted its first virtual forum for Dialogue members to discuss the implications of the Covid-19 crisis on Latin America and the Caribbean.

Sofia Lalinde, Casey Wetherbee

Event Summaries ˙

China-Celac Forum 2014

China’s Regional Engagement Goals in Latin America

The success of China’s regional outreach in Latin America will depend, as it has for a number of years, on Beijing’s relative influence in regional institutions and on the capacity and effectiveness of the institutions themselves.

Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy

Image of Earth in outer space, taken by NASA.

Will the Pandemic Lead to a Less Globalized World?

Will the post-coronavirus world see a significant shift away from multilateralism, and which countries in Latin America and the Caribbean would stand to gain or lose the most in this context?

Rebecca Bill Chavez, Kenneth Maxwell, Isabel de Saint Malo, José Antonio Ocampo

Latin America Advisor ˙

Pandemic Response and Executive Authority – The Case of El Salvador Video

Pandemic Response and Executive Authority – The Case of El Salvador

On April 22, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted Pandemic Response and Executive Authority – The Case of El Salvador, an online event focused on recent developments in El Salvador, including President Nayib Bukele’s open defiance of the Supreme Court’s Constitutional Chamber ruling against arbitrary detention in containment centers for those who break quarantine.

Catharine Christie, Carole Botello

Event Summaries ˙

Pandemic and Politics in Venezuela Video

Pandemic and Politics in Venezuela

On April 2, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted Pandemic and Politics in Venezuela, a conference call with Miguel Pizarro, Venezuelan National Assembly member and Commissioner of the Guaidó government for the United Nations, Feliciano Reyna, Founder and Executive President of Acción Solidaria, and Daniella Liendo, Founder of Primeros Auxilios Universidad Central de Venezuela (Green Cross).

Catharine Christie, Carole Botello

Event Summaries ˙

Nicolás Maduro

Recompensa por Maduro: “La acusación de EE.UU. puede cohesionar a las fuerzas armadas alrededor del presidente y hacer más difícil una negociación”

Estados Unidos ha dado un nuevo paso inusual en su política hacia Venezuela, al acusar al presidente Nicolás Maduro de “narcoterrorismo” y conspiración para traficar drogas. Michael Shifter, entrevistado por BBC, argumentó que los nuevos cargos de EE.UU. contra Maduro difícilmente contribuirán a una salida negociada en Venezuela.

Michael Shifter, Gerardo Lissardy

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC