Conflicts over energy and natural resources are leading to social turmoil and posing serious challenges for investment projects all over Latin America. To better manage such conflicts, Latin American governments must step up their involvement in the consultation process and communicate more effectively with local communities about potential social, environmental and economic impacts, according to a new report by the Inter-American Dialogue.
The surge in unconventional oil and gas production in North America has dramatically shifted energy markets in the Americas, with important implications for Latin America and the Caribbean. A new report by Lisa Viscidi, Director of the Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries Program at the Inter-American Dialogue, examines the factors behind rising oil demand and the growing deficit in refining capacity in Latin America, as well as the geopolitical implications of increasing US oil product exports to the region.
Latin American countries have some of the most restrictive reproductive health laws and policies in the world, particularly with regard to abortion. In part this stems from not recognizing reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right. However, imposing legal restrictions on abortion does not reduce the likelihood that women will seek this reproductive health service. Instead, harsh laws compel women to risk their lives and health by seeking out unsafe abortions.
Inter-American Dialogue, Center for Reproductive Rights
On July 16, 2019, the Inter-American Dialogue, in partnership with Reporters without Borders, hosted an event called, “No News is Not Good News: Combating Pervasive Violence Against Journalists in Mexico”.
This report offers an extensive review of the English, Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese literature on Chinese overseas energy sector engagement, highlighting a sub-set of issues especially relevant to policymakers. These include China’s effect on global commodity markets, the country’s outbound investment policies, and the extent to which China has a centralized strategy for overseas energy resource acquisition. The report concludes with timely suggestions for further research on Chinese energy engagement in the Americas.
El 31 de julio, Michael Shifter analizó varios temas de la región en el programa Cuestión de Poder de NTN24. El presidente del Diálogo ofreció su opinión sobre el estado de Venezuela, las protestas en Puerto Rico, el futuro de la economía en la región, y lo que simboliza la estancia del expresidente salvadoreño en Nicaragua, entre otras preguntas sobre América Latina.
This paper, published uses the 2010/11 Income and Expenditure Survey for South Africa to analyze the progressivity of the main tax and social spending programs and quantify their impact on poverty and inequality.
Nora Lustig, Gabriela Inchauste, Mashekwa Maboshe, Catriona Purfield, Ingrid Woolard
Brazil has vast oil reserves, but can the Bolsonaro government get the energy to market? Lisa Viscidi tells Richard Miles of CSIS that reforms are already in place that will enable oil production “to take off.” The real obstacles are the financial stability of Petrobras, the shaky state oil conglomerate, and the monopoly that the state has on most aspects of energy production, delivery, and even retail sales.
Lisa Viscidi, Richard Miles
Interviews ˙
˙ Center for Strategic & International Studies
Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en el programa Cuestión de Poder de NTN24 para tratar los temas de las negociaciones en la crisis venezolana, las elecciones en Argentina y la visita del presidente electo de Guatemala a Estados Unidos.
El Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia de México, elaborado por Mexicanos Primero, busca medir el avance hacia el cumplimiento de los acuerdos de la Agenda Regional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Primera Infancia.
Mexicanos Primero, Diálogo Interaméricano, Pacto por la Primera Infancia
In this article, we take a closer look at migration trends in three examples that showcase current trends: Central America, Venezuela, the Caribbean. We also take a look at specific recommendations to address migration.
Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy Program, gave a presentation to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Mexican energy policy under AMLO and its implications for US-Mexico energy trade.