
Is the Dominican Republic’s Pivot to China Paying Off?

The Dominican Republic’s president, Danilo Medina, in late March met with Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua in Santo Domingo, where they agreed on new economic cooperation accords and followed up on agreements that the two countries made last year. How much have ties with China paid off for the Dominican Republic?

Margaret Myers, Ricardo Barrios, G. Philip Hughes, Mary Fernández Rodríguez

Latin America Advisor ˙

President Donald Trump last Thursday announced that the United States would impose new tariffs on imports from Mexico beginning June 10, saying the country has failed to stop flows of migrants from coming to the United States. // File Photo: White House.

Has Trump Gone Too Far With New Tariffs on Mexico?

What effect will the tariffs have on the economies of both countries, and how has the private sector reacted?

Andrés Rozental, Nicolás Mariscal, Tamara Kay, James R. Jones, Carlo Dade

Latin America Advisor ˙

Technology holds “remarkable” potential to promote trust between citizens and governments and reduce corruption, Ashley Friedman writes below. // File Photo: Pixnio.

How Can Tech Help in the Fight Against Corruption?

How has technology been used most effectively to combat corruption, and what are the most promising ways that it can be employed in the fight against graft in the future?

Beatrice Rangel, Richard Fogarty , Phil Beckett, Laura Gaviria Halaby, María Fernanda Pérez Argüello, Ashley Friedman

Latin America Advisor ˙

Foto: Gobierno de China.

¿Qué ganan México y China de lazos más fuertes?

¿Cómo se verían los lazos más fuertes entre México y China, y cómo puede ganar cada país?

Margaret Myers, Ricardo Barrios, Beatrice Rangel, Haibin Niu, Tony Payan, Enrique Dussel Peters

Latin America Advisor ˙

Panama, whose capital is pictured above, was returned last month to the Financial Action Task Force’s “Gray List.” // File Photo: Matthew Straubmuller via Creative Commons.

Why Is Panama Back on the FATF’s ‘Gray List’?

Why has Panama been placed back on the FATF’s gray list, and what does it mean for its economy?

Carlos Berguido, Richard Fogarty, Larry Iwanski, José Montaño, Marco Gandásegui Jr., Matías Mora

Financial Advisor ˙

Mexican Finance Minister Carlos Urzúa reportedly had several clashes over economic policy with the country’s president. // File Photo: Mexican Government.

Will Urzúa’s Exit Destabilize Mexico’s Economic Policy?

What does Urzúa’s departure say about the direction of Mexico’s economic policy?

Beatrice Rangel, Andrés Rozental, Ariane Ortiz-Bollin, Antonio Ortiz-Mena, Jonathan Heath, José Carlos Rodríguez Pueblita

Latin America Advisor ˙

Will Puerto Rico’s Governor Soon Be Forced From Office?

What are the underlying factors that led to protests against Rosselló, and how likely are they to succeed in pushing the governor to resign?

Silvia Álvarez Curbelo, Pedro Reina-Pérez, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Castro

Latin America Advisor ˙