
Collage of event Colombia in Turmoil Video

Colombia in Turmoil

As Colombia continues to witness a surge in protests and widespread violence in Cali, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted the event “Colombia in Turmoil” on May 20 to examine the root causes and ramifications of the ensuing unrest. This conversation explored how the lack of confidence in the state and political parties, the rise in poverty and unemployment due to the pandemic, and the despair and frustration of Colombia’s youth have culminated in the crisis facing Colombia today. 

Sofia Lalinde, Noelle Whitman

Event Summaries ˙

Michael Shifter speaks in a seminar

Current Policy Issues in the United States/Latin America: An Overview

On May 24, Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, participated in a seminar organized by the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University where the state of domestic and US foreign affairs was discussed.

Michael Shifter

Presentations ˙ ˙ Maxwell-in-Washington | Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Collage of Mark Green, Michael Shifter, and Ivan Duque Video

A Conversation with Iván Duque Márquez, President of the Republic of Colombia

On May 27, 2021, the Inter-American Dialogue in collaboration with the Wilson Center hosted “A Conversation with Iván Duque Márquez, President of the Republic of Colombia,” hosting President Duque for a wide-ranging discussion on recent massive street protests in the country and the government’s efforts to calm tensions through national dialogue with protest leaders and the country’s youth. 

Dylan Gervasio

Event Summaries ˙

Women checks where to cast her vote

Peru’s Fraying Democracy

The second round of the Peruvian presidential elections will take place on June 6. Peru, which is suffering the economic and social effects of the pandemic, will choose between Keiko Fujimori, a former lawmaker in her third run for the country’s highest office and Pedro Castillo, a rural teacher and union leader from the northern region of Cajamarca.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs

Collage of event Outlook for Peru's Troubled Democracy Video

Outlook for Peru’s Troubled Democracy

The Inter-American Dialogue welcomed panelists Michael Reid, Adriana Urrutia Pozzi-Escot and Alberto Vergara for an online event, “Outlook for Peru’s Troubled Democracy,” on June 1 to discuss the contested presidential runoff in Peru. As the two candidates, Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori, battle for the presidency, this conversation delved into the deepening political polarization in Peru as well as the ongoing crisis of legitimacy for both candidates. Panelists also explored the election within the context of mounting economic inequality and popular discontent in the wake of Covid-19.

Noelle Whitman

Event Summaries ˙

Women casts in her vote Video

El futuro de la democracia peruana

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con Juan Carlos Iragorri de El Washington Post Podcast sobre los potenciales efectos de la segunda vuelta electoral del 6 de junio próximo sobre la democracia peruana. 

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Washington Post Podcast

VP Harris speaking

Vice President Harris’ Trip to Mexico & Guatemala

The upcoming trip of Vice President Kamala Harris to Mexico and Guatemala will focus on a wide range of challenges, including corruption, violence, organized crime, lack of economic development, investment, job opportunities, and climate change. Our experts discuss the issues that are likely to be raised during this trip, possible points of contention, concerns around the rule of law and regional security, and the current and expected migration trends from Central America, among other topics.

Michael Shifter, Rebecca Bill Chavez, Manuel Orozco

Shifter speaks with Holmes Video

Shifter: “It is very difficult now to talk about a serious election [in Nicaragua], November 7 will be a complete farce”

Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with Michael Holmes from CNN about the state of democracy in Latin America. The conversation covered how things are evolving in Nicaragua, after opposition leaders were imprisoned by the Ortega Murillo regime, as well as the potential repercussions of the recent elections in Peru and Mexico.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN

Shifter speaks with CGTN on the 2021 Peruvian Presidential Election Video

Shifter: “Neither Keiko Fujimori nor Pedro Castillo can deal with the consequences [of Covid-19] alone”

Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with CGTN about the early exit numbers from the 2021 Peruvian presidential election. The conversation covered what a win for Keiko Fujimori would mean for the future of Peru and Fujimorismo, and what the Peruvian presidential election means to the rest of Latin America.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN

Screenshot of interview Video

Shifter: “[La de Perú] es una situación extrema en la que se elegirá al mal menor”

En esta entrevista con NTN24, Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, examinó la situación actual en Perú, país que se encuentra en medio de una elección presidencial entre los candidatos Keiko Fujimori y Pedro Castillo. La entrevista exploró temas como la corrupción, la polarización política y la desconfianza de la ciudadanía peruana en las instituciones gubernamentales.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Photo of Michael Shifter and María Eugenia Vidal

Private meeting with María Eugenia Vidal

On June 10, the Inter-American Dialogue welcomed María Eugenia Vidal, former governor of Buenos Aires and Dialogue member, to discuss the current political and economic conditions of Argentina as the nation approaches elections in the fall.

Noelle Whitman

Event Summaries ˙

Shifter and Chamorro Video

Shifter: “[La represión de Ortega] se parece al patrón vivido hace 30 años”

En una entrevista con Carlos Fernando Chamorro para Confidencial, Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, comentó sobre la crisis política en Nicaragua, la cual ha generado una controversia internacional en torno a la erosión de los valores democráticos en este país centroamericano. Shifter examinó el papel que juega la comunidad internacional, las repercusiones de las acciones del regimen Ortega-Murillo y la incertidumbre de cara a las próximas elecciones en noviembre.

Michael Shifter, Carlos Fernando Chamorro

Interviews ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Sergio Massa with Michael Shifter

Private Meeting with Sergio Massa

On June 16 the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a private meeting with Sergio Massa, President of the House of Representatives of Argentina, on the political and economic challenges during the Fernández administration, and the state and future of US-Argentina relations.

Dylan Gervasio

Event Summaries ˙