Energy storage is a class of technologies that is diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving. Policymakers in Latin America and the Caribbean will need to acquire a strong grasp of the technical characteristics and benefits of these technologies, the services they can provide, and the most relevant regional and power market applications for each technology, according to this report authored by experts from the Inter-American Dialogue and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham, Ariel Yépez-García, Edwin Malagón
Reports ˙
˙ Inter-American Development Bank
In an interview with The Science of Where Magazine, Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change, and Extractive Industries Program, and Sarah Phillips, program assistant, discussed Latin America’s progress toward the energy transition and its geopolitical implications.
Lisa Viscidi, Sarah Phillips
Interviews ˙
˙ The Science of Where Magazine
La Fundación Propagas, la Universidad Central del Este y el Diálogo Interamericano celebraron el jueves 3 de junio la Quinta Edición de la Cátedra Magistral Ambiental, dedicada a la señora Rosa Margarita Bonetti de Santana, destacada medioambientalista de la República Dominicana.
Companies are increasingly under pressure from the public and regulators to both disclose and improve environment, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. Such regulations in Europe and the United States will nudge investors toward low emissions projects. All this capital has to be put somewhere, and Latin America and other emerging markets are well positioned to become big recipients of these increased climate-focused flows.
On June 14, the Atlantic Council and the Energy Futures Initiative held a webinar on the role of natural gas in the transition to zero-carbon energy systems. Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change & Extractive Industries Program at the Dialogue, spoke about financing natural gas infrastructure in Latin America.
Across the Latin American region, state governments are pursuing climate adaptation plans to stymie the pronounced impacts of climate change. In an interview with CGTV’s The Heat, Lisa Viscidi discusses current impacts of climate change on migration, economies and natural resources in the region. With COP 26 around the corner, questions of climate finance and international cooperation take on a new urgency.
La región del Triángulo Norte es extremadamente vulnerable a los efectos del cambio climático y merece una atención especial. Los huracanes y muchas veces las sequías agravan las crisis humanitarias y económicas en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador. Lisa Viscidi compartió sus comentarios sobre las consecuencias del cambio climático en la región y lo que pueden hacer tanto los gobiernos del área como Estados Unidos para mitigar y adaptarse a los impactos climáticos.
El 14 de septiembre, el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF) realizó un seminario web sobre la transición energética en Latinoamérica. En ello, Lisa Viscidi, la directora del programa de Energía, Cambio Climático e Industrias Extractivas, habla del estado de la descarbonización en Latinoamérica, y explica cómo la transición energética influirá en otras industrias de estos países.
Lisa Viscidi
Presentations ˙
˙ Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF)
While 2021 has been a year of transition for the energy sector in Latin America, it has also been a year of instability in the region’s political conditions and social environment. Under this context, industry experts, government officials and corporate representatives convened virtually to discuss the challenges, opportunities and changes in Latin America’s energy markets at the Fifth Annual Latin America Energy Conference.
Event Summaries ˙
˙ Fifth Annual Latin America Energy Conference
The countries of Central America’s Northern Triangle—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—are especially vulnerable to the severe and worsening impacts of climate change. This policy brief, the first in a series of three publications, describes the main challenges and provides broad recommendations for the US strategy on climate change adaptation in the region. It is based on inputs from the Task Force on Climate Change in the Northern Triangle, coordinated by the Inter-American Dialogue.
Reports ˙
˙ Climate Change in the Northern Triangle: Recommendations for US Assistance
Lisa Viscidi, la directora del programa de Energía, Cambio Climático e Industrias Extractivas, participó el 3 de noviembre, en un webinar sobre la “contra reforma” eléctrica en México organizado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Lisa Viscidi
Presentations ˙
˙ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
As delegates from around the world finish up their business in Glasgow at the United Nations climate conference, Mexico has not increased its emissions-mitigation goal, as countries pledged under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Its president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is doubling down on policies that would make his country the second-largest greenhouse gas emitter in Latin America and the 16th largest in the world, even more of a polluter.
Electric vehicles (EV) play an essential role in mitigating transport sector emissions, reducing air pollution, slashing reliance on oil imports, and improving urban mobility. The six nations of Central America covered in this publication—Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama—are all at differing stages of developing EV markets.
Lisa Viscidi
Reports ˙
˙ Inter-American Development Bank
Rural subsistence farmers, ethnic communities, women, and young people are disproportionately affected by climate change in the Northern Triangle, according to a report by the Inter-American Dialogue, which focuses on adaptation in the region with an emphasis on climate justice and mitigating the impacts on vulnerable communities.