
Defeat at the OAS Meeting & US Influence in the Americas

Defeat at the OAS meeting was the first concrete setback for US interests as a result of the Trump Administration’s apparent ambivalence about defending democratic values.

Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Latin America Goes Global

Migration From Latin America and the Caribbean to the United States: Policy Options

Migration from Latin America and the Caribbean to the United States has grown steadily over the past forty years. In addition to leaving their countries amidst political and economic hardship, the vast majority of these migrants face additional challenges to their legal status. One way to look for solutions is to consider a comprehensive approach to migration through recruitment, retention, return, relief and reform.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙


Ataque a la Asamblea Nacional, Corea del Norte, Trump y el G20

El ataque a la Asamblea Nacional en Venezuela, tensiones diplomáticas con Corea del Norte, y la reunión del G20 en Hamburgo – temas de discusión en este programa de Club de Prensa. Presentado por Juan Carlos Iragorri, con la participación de Xavier Vilà, periodista y analista catalán; José López Zamorano, corresponsal jefe de ‘Notimex’ – México; Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


The Fight Against Corruption in Colombia

On July 7, the Woodrow Wilson Center and the Inter-American Dialogue invited Fernando Carrillo Flórez and Edgardo Maya Villazón, the respective Colombian Inspector and Comptrollers Generals, to address the growing issue of corruption in Colombia and their plans to solve it.

Alex Sadler

Event Summaries ˙

Clean Power in Latin America

As Latin America moves towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fulfilling its Paris commitments, it must also work to meet rapidly growing electricity demand, which is projected to almost double by 2040.

Zuleyma Alvarez, Sergio Espinosa

Event Summaries ˙

Migrant Financial Health

Addressing the unique financial needs of migrants will optimize the potential of their contributions and those of future generations.

Manuel Orozco, Julia Yansura, Nancy Castillo

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Center for Financial Services Innovation


Acusaciones contra Humala, condena a Lula da Silva, Trump en París

En este episodio de Club de Prensa presentado por José Díaz Briseño, las acusaciones de corrupción hacia Ollanta Humala, la condena sobre Lula da Silva y la actitud de Donald Trump durante su viaje a Paris son analizadas por Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, María Peña, corresponsal de ‘La Opinión’ – Los Ángeles, y Jan Martínez Ahrens, corresponsal jefe de ‘El País’ de Madrid en Washington.

Michael Shifter, José Díaz Briseño

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

El cambio climático que enfriará las relaciones

Victoria Isabel Cardiel C. entrevista a Lisa Viscidi, la directora del Programa de Energía, Cambio Climático e Industrias Extractivas del Diálogo Interamericano, sobre la decisión de Donald Trump de retirar a Estados Unidos del Acuerdo de París y cómo afectará a América Latina.

Lisa Viscidi, Victoria Isabel Cardiel C

Interviews ˙ ˙ Martes Financiero

Venezuela After the Constituent Assembly

The constituyente could set the stage for the Maduro government to consolidate its power, criminalize the opposition, and usher in a new and even darker phase in Venezuela’s crisis.

Michael Shifter, Ben Raderstorf

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs


Maduro’s Power Grab

Michael Shifter joined BBC World News America on July 27 to discuss the then-upcoming Constituyente in Venezuela. Shifter talked about this vote as one of the main watershed moments in the almost 20 years of Chavismo in the Bolivarian country. Furthermore, Shifter spoke on the rationale behind President Maduro’s decision to hold this unconstitutional vote. The interview concluded with a conversation about the current state of the Venezuelan economy as it continues to worsen each day the political crisis continues.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC

Ben Raderstorf / Inter-American Dialogue Video

US-Mexico Relations in Flux

US-Mexico relations in the Trump era are fragile and likely to remain tumultuous according to Andrés Rozental.

Andrea Clark

Event Summaries ˙


Las sanciones de Estados Unidos contra Venezuela a examen

Es estas dos entrevistas con NTN24 y CNN Español, Michael Shifter habló sobre las sanciones que el gobierno estadounidense ha impuesto y puede imponer sobre el gobierno venezolano. Shifter reconoció que las sanciones individuales contra altos funcionarios del gobierno y Maduro mismo no tendrán gran impacto, pero también advirtió que sanciones contra el sector petrolero podrían causar más sufrimiento para el pueblo venezolano sin impactar a los gobernantes del país.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN Español