
Mexico’s Supreme Court in November overturned a law that formalized the use of troops to fight gangs. // File Photo: Mexican Government.

Should Mexican Troops Keep Fighting Cartels?

Is López Obrador’s plan to form a National Guard to combat organized crime a good idea?

Monica de Bolle, Gonzalo Escribano, Amanda Mattingly, Raúl Benítez Manaut

Latin America Advisor ˙

Editor’s Picks: Top Content from the Latin America Advisor 2018

The Latin America Advisor’s editorial team has produced more than 300 editions of the publication this year for subscribers at many of the world’s most respected companies, as well as leading universities and government agencies on four continents. We’re delighted to share a dozen issues our team felt covered especially important developments during 2018, a remarkable year for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Latin America Advisor ˙

Editor’s Picks: Top Content from the Energy Advisor 2018

by Erik Brand, Publisher The Latin America Advisor’s editorial team has produced more than 50 editions of the weekly Energy Advisor this year for subscribers at many of the world’s most respected companies, as well as leading universities and government agencies on four continents. I am delighted to share ten…

Energy Advisor ˙

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Panama earlier this month following the G-20 Summit. Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela and Panamanian youths greeted him at Tocumen International Airport. // Photo: Panamanian Government.

Are Ties With China Paying off for Latin America?

What costs will Latin American countries face in exchange for China’s support, and what are China’s main goals in extending its influence in the region?

Ricardo Barrios, Jorge Heine, Andrea M. Ewart, Ray Walser

Latin America Advisor ˙

What Does 2019 Hold for Economies in Latin America?

What does 2019 hold in store for Latin American economies? Which countries will perform well economically, and which will struggle, and why?

Richard Francis, Joydeep Mukherji, Alfredo Coutiño, Marcos Casarin

Latin America Advisor ˙

Jorge León Joins the Board of Advisors

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jorge León has joined the Dialogue’s weekly Energy Advisor publication’s board of advisors.

Energy Advisor ˙

Photo: U.S. Government.

Is Congress Likely to Approve the USMCA This Year?

What is the outlook and most-likely timeline for advancing USMCA in the 116th Congress?

Carla A. Hills, Arturo Sarukhán, Andrés Rozental, Pascale Siegel, Miyako Yerick, Christopher Sands

Latin America Advisor ˙

Can Venezuela’s Political Standoff End Peacefully?

In what ways could mediation play out and bring a peaceful end to the standoff? How likely is wide-scale bloodshed, civil war or international military intervention to occur in the weeks ahead?

Sergio Bitar, Abraham Lowenthal, Evan Ellis, Bartłomiej Znojek

Latin America Advisor ˙

Photo: U.S. Government.

¿Aprobará el Congreso el USMCA este año?

¿Cuál es el camino más probable hacia la aprobación del USMCA?

Carla A. Hills, Arturo Sarukhán, Andrés Rozental, Pascale Siegel, Miyako Yerick, Christopher Sands

Latin America Advisor ˙