

Congressional Testimony: Energy Opportunities in South America

Lisa Viscidi, Director of the Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries Program, testified before the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs on the subject of “Energy Opportunities in Latin America.”

Lisa Viscidi

Congressional Testimony ˙


What’s Wrong with Mexico & How to Fix It

On Thursday, May 11th, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an event with Denise Dresser, professor of Political Science from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. During the event: What’s Wrong with Mexico & How to Fix It, Dresser addressed the challenges the country is facing today such as the US-Mexico relations, Enrique Peña Nieto’s presidency, and corruption.

Laura Campiglia de Méndez

Event Summaries ˙


¿Se volverán a ‘narcotizar’ las relaciones entre Colombia y EEUU?

Michael Camilleri, director del Programa de Estado de Derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en el programa de “Semana en Vivo” el 17 de Mayo sobre las relaciones EEUU-Colombia, la política de drogas y la cooperación en el tema de seguridad entre los dos países

Michael Camilleri

Interviews ˙ ˙ Semana en Vivo

Even More Relevant: The Washington Diplomat’s Profile of the Inter-American Dialogue

In the early 1980s, when the Inter-American Dialogue was born, the U.S. was actively supporting right-wing governments from El Salvador to Nicaragua. There were “tremendous misunderstandings between Latin America and the United States,” says Michael Shifter, longtime president of the D.C.-based think tank. These days, it seems those tremendous misunderstandings have returned with a vengeance, making the Dialogue’s work even more relevant.

Larry Luxner

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The Washington Diplomat

Private Roundtable with Ricardo Luna

The Inter-American Dialogue hosted a private roundtable event featuring Ricardo Luna, the Peruvian Minister of Foreign Relations. The discussion highlighted the Minister’s position on the best way for the international community to handle the crisis in Venezuela and how to confront infrastructural-based corruption throughout Latin America. Minister Luna also addressed some of the upcoming plans his government has in its preparation to host the eighth Summit of the Americas next March in Lima.

Alex Sadler

Event Summaries ˙

Migrants, Remittances, and New Technologies

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean surpassed US$70 billion in 2016, representing a critical source of income for the region. Two new Dialogue studies shed light on remittances, emerging technologies in methods of transfers, and opportunities for financial inclusion. These studies were presented and discussed on May 17th at an event moderated by Peter Hakim, President Emeritus of the Dialogue, and featuring speakers Manuel Orozco, the Director of the Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development Program, and Daniel Ayala, the Executive Vice President and Head of Global Remittances Services for Wells Fargo.

Stephanie Bishop

Event Summaries ˙

Los desafíos de la democracia en América Latina. Como gobernar mejor.

“Pasé por tres campos de concentración durante más de un año; la clave fue sobrevivir. Y luego viví 10 años de exilio, con prohibición de reingreso al país. Muchos sufrieron harto más que yo, tantos desaparecieron, pero la mayoría mantuvo la resolución de luchar. […] Si uno se sume en la justificada amargura y deja que su espíritu se contamine con un ánimo negativo no puede convocar para construir una sociedad mejor. Decidí entonces dedicar mi vida a recuperar la democracia y la justicia. La tarea era construir una nueva fuerza política y social, y batallar por un mundo mejor, en libertad, sin dictadura.” Sergio Bitar al recibir el premio Guillermo el O´Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship 2017.

Sergio Bitar

Presentations ˙


La OEA y la crisis en Venezuela

El viernes 2 de Junio, Michael Shifter habló con America 360 para discutir la situación en Venezuela y el impacto que puede o debe tener la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) sobre la crisis en este país. El presidente del Diálogo también habló sobre el papel de EEU y como seguirá aplicando sanciones contra oficiales del gobierno chavista.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Caracol Televisión

The Inter-American Human Rights System in the Trump Era

The relationship between the United States and the IACHR is historically complex, and the Trump Administration may be tempted to pull back—but engagement is still the best way to serve US strategic interests.

Michael Camilleri, Danielle Edmonds

Reports ˙

Giro sobre Cuba ‘es vergonzoso para Estados Unidos’: Michael Shifter

Michael Shifter, presidente de Diálogo Interamericano, considera desafortunado el cambio de política del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, hacia Cuba, aunque le parece positivo que las relaciones entre los dos países se mantengan.

Michael Shifter, Holman Rodríguez M.

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Tiempo


A Conversation with Juan Carlos Varela, President of Panama

On June 21, the Inter-American Dialogue was proud to host Juan Carlos Varela, sitting President of Panama, to discuss a variety of issues with Dialogue President, Michael Shifter. The hour-long conversation focused on confronting the current challenges in Central America, combating corruption and violence in Panama, the recent severing of ties between Taiwan and Panama, and looking ahead to next year’s Summit of the Americas in Peru.

Alex Sadler

Event Summaries ˙

The Challenges Facing Democracy in Latin America: How to Govern Better

“I was held at three concentration camps for more than one year; the key was to survive. Then I was expelled and I lived in exile for 10 years, barred from returning to the country. Many suffered much more than I did. […] During those years, I learned another lesson: If you allow yourself to sink into the justified bitterness and let your spirit to become contaminated with a negative animus, you cannot persuade and help mobilize others to build a better society. Therefore, the task was to build a new political and social force, and to battle for a better world, in liberty, without dictatorship.” Sergio Bitar receiving the Guillermo el O´Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship 2017

Sergio Bitar

Presentations ˙