

Shifter: ¿Puede Venezuela avanzar hacia una transición pacífica?

El presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, Michael Shifter, estuvo en Poder Latino con Gustau Alegret donde discutió la situación actual de Venezuela, analizando la posibilidad de lograr una transición pacífica en Venezuela y los factores más importantes para lograrlo.

Michael Shifter, Gustau Alegret

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


Shifter: EE.UU. y la oposición venezolana no buscan un golpe militar

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en Directo USA con Juan Carlos López donde discutieron el reconocimiento internacional al gobierno interino de Juan Guaidó en Venezuela, la política de Estados Unidos respecto a Venezuela y los escenarios posibles para el desenlace de la crisis venezolana.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN

El espejismo antipartidario

Nayib Bukele lidera ampliamente las encuestas para la elección presidencial en El Salvador, que tendrá lugar en pocos días. Su gran activo ha sido el rechazo generalizado de la ciudadanía a los dos partidos que gobiernan el país desde hace un cuarto de siglo. La debilidad de los partidos es uno de los problemas más serios de la democracia en América Latina. Negarse a enfrentarlo es resignarse a tener una política balcanizada, volátil, caudillista y, por ello mismo, machista.

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ New York Times Español


Myers: China-Venezuela decision-making “will be very pragmatic in nature.”

As the situation in Venezuela continues to unfold, Phoenix TV spoke with the Director of the Dialogue’s Asia & Latin America Program Margaret Myers on China’s position regarding the ongoing Venezuelan crisis, as well as how China’s approach to the country differs from Russia’s.

Margaret Myers

Interviews ˙ ˙ Phoenix Television

Inter-American Guide on Strategies for Reducing Educational Inequality

Educational inequality is a critical issue in Latin America. The Inter-American Guide on Strategies to Reduce Educational Inequality presents ten policy strategies that have proven effective at reducing levels of educational inequality.

Maria Oviedo, Sarah Stanton, Ariel Fiszbein

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

The Monroe Doctrine may be dead in Latin America, but its ghost still haunts the White House

This is a critical moment in the Venezuela crisis – hopeful yet uncertain. Moving forward, senior Trump administration officials would be wise to devote more time with their Latin American counterparts, issuing joint statements and coordinating actions to pressure the regime and advance Mr. Guaido’s efforts at reconciliation. Posturing about the U.S.’s power and influence in Venezuela evokes a 19th-century doctrine that has long been irrelevant and is counterproductive.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The Globe and Mail

Venezuela, 20 years after Chávez

February 2nd marks two decades since Hugo Chavez first assumed the presidency of Venezuela. Today, the Bolivarian Revolution that Chavez led until his death in 2013 is at its most critical moment: the economy is in ruins, three million Venezuelans have emigrated in recent years, and his successor, Nicolás Maduro, rules as a dictator while Juan Guaidó took the oath as interim president with the support of the international community. 

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ New York Times Español

Reviving Venezuela’s Oil Industry Is Easier Said Than Done

Even if Juan Guaido or another opposition figure finally takes the reins and starts fixing the oil sector in Venezuela, it will take years before oil exports can provide the economic boost needed to pull the nation out of the morass. Venezuela’s oil industry has been severely damaged, and there are questions about the long-term economic viability of its oil fields. Venezuelans will likely be disappointed with the pace of the economic turnaround under any new government—a risk that poses a real threat to political stability. Expectations ought to be tempered.

Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Politics Review

Fact Sheet: Family Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2018

Family remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean experienced nearly 10% growth in 2018, one of the largest growth rates in the past 10 years. Growth in remittances stands in stark contrast to the sluggish 1.9% economic growth rate for the region. The countries with the highest remittance growth rates in 2018 included Haiti, Colombia, Brazil, Guatemala and Paraguay.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙