
A Time for Action

Latin America inequality gap, economic integration, and infrastructure and education systems were among the issues spotlighted at the XVII Annual CAF Conference.

Mary Dempsey

Event Summaries ˙

Legado poderia ter dado a Cuba outro destino

Ninguém pode negar a Fidel Castro o seu lugar na História. Ele foi a figura política mais proeminente da América Latina talvez desde Cristóvão Colombo, em 1492. A questão é até que ponto sua narrativa será mais sobre sonhos ousados e mudanças progressistas — ou sobre opressão e, no fim, estagnação em Cuba.

Peter Hakim

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ O Globo

US Policy in the Western Hemisphere

US Secretary of State John Kerry addressed US-Latin America relations for the first time in the United States since his appointment.

John Kerry

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ US Department of State

Has the United States Failed to Adequately Fight Illegal Drugs?

Is growing violence in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America a sign of failures in drug policy? Has the Obama administration made any significant change in anti-drug efforts? What policies should it be pursuing?

Andrés Rozental, Barry R. McCaffrey, Sanho Tree

A Year with a High Dose of Elections

In 2012, three presidential elections – in Mexico, Venezuela, and the United States – could alter the political map and relations in the Americas.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Colombiano

Now, Obama Can Focus More on the Region

Almost without warning, issues that have long been on the agenda between the US and Latin America are alive again as Barack Obama looks to his second term.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Clarín

What Does 2014 Hold for US-Latin America Relations?

To what extent will Obama seek to strengthen ties to the region? How much will Latin America want to work with the UUS?

Peter Hakim, Arturo Sarukhán, Riordan Roett, Rubens Barbosa, Julia Buxton