
How do educational assessment results appear in the press?

The PREAL Working Group on Standards and Evaluation(GTEE) has worked recent years in the improvement of the use and dissemination of the National assessmentsresults that were attained in the countries ofthe region. The national educational evaluation systems were born in most of the region during the 90s responding to a…

Pedro Ravela

Reports ˙

Invest in Education

The 2004 Report Card on Education in Nicaragua showed progress in education until that time. Standards for primary education were defined and results on the first standardized test to first and six graders were published. Also, extending school participation led to the sharing of school responsibilities with school families. Despite…

Reports ˙

Report Card on Education- Peru

In Peru, it is generally known that a better quality education could build citizens, who are better prepared for the democracy and modern and flexible workers, who would help reduce poverty. However, over the last decade- as well during the previous one- many factors have prevented the improvement of the…

Reports ˙

Sistemas de evaluación de aprendizajes en América Latina

El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Evaluación y Estándares (GTEE) del PREAL –Programa para la Promoción de la Reforma Educativa en América Latina y el Caribe– viene realizando desde el año 2000 varios estudios sobre el estado de situación de la medición y evaluación de la calidad educativa en América Latina,…

Guillermo Ferrer

Reports ˙

Education Policy Reform for Quality and Efficiency in Honduras

In 2008, the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL) and the Ricardo Ernesto Maduro Andreu Educational Foundation (FEREMA) began the project “Education Policy Reform for Quality and Efficiency in Honduras,” designed to improve education policy in the country. The project contributed two lines of action in the educational…

Reports ˙

Teacher Effectiveness

This working paper contains a review of recent international literature on themes related to teacher effectiveness.The first section presents a working definition of the term as used in this review. Section 2 covers general educational needs, the state of the teaching profession, and the status of teacher training in Latin America.1 Section 3 presents several…

Barbara C. Hunt

Reports ˙

The commitment to invest in better education

Since December 2005, Argentina relies on La Ley de Financiamiento Educativo (Law of  Education Financing), an instrument to modify the structure of education financing and introduced significant changes in the political and financial relations between the national government and the subnational  government.

Alejandro Vera, Rocio Bilbao

Reports ˙

Good Progress, But There Is Still Much To Do

Caldas y Manizales made very important efforts for education during the last decade: between 1993 and 2002 over 15 thousand quotas were created; school attendance increased in all levels; teacher training improved as well as Caldas schooling reached 6,9 years in 2001, average slightly lower than the rest of the…

Report Card on Education- Guatemala

In the last 10 years Guatemala has made great advances. The consolidation of the democratic system and the signing of the peace process have created a more favorable climate for education. However, there are still social and economic development problems. Guatemala is a country of young, multilingual and multicultural people.…

Reports ˙

Iniciativas orientadas a la formación y perfeccionamiento de los docentes

Prácticamente todas las reformas de mejoramiento de la educación contemplan entre sus principales ítems medidas relacionadas tanto con la formación inicial de los profesores como con alternativas de perfeccionamiento y capacitación de quienes ya están en servicio. En este número se presentan algunas experiencias que ilustran soluciones adoptadas en tres…

Reports ˙

Education Systems

The ability of countries- both the most advanced economies and the developing economies- to compete in the global knowledge economy depends on their ability to cope with a growing demand for high levels of knowledge.  This, in turn, requires a significant improvement in the quality of results and a better…

Michael Barber, Mona Mourshed

Reports ˙

Report Card on Education- Nicaragua

Education represents a major aspiration for Nicaraguan citizens. In a PNUD 2001 national survey, one in three people said that one of their greatest aspirations is to have access to education for themselves and for their families. This response surpassed the percentage citing landing a job or having a source…

Nicaragüense Eduquemos

Reports ˙

Plan Decenal Educativo de Colombia

En 1995 Colombia se propuso elaborar su primer Plan Decenal de Desarrollo Educativo para el periodo 1996-2005, concebido no como un proyecto de un gobierno sino de toda la sociedad. Este mandato emanaba de la Ley General de Educación de 1994, que establecía la elaboración de estos planes como instrumento…

Reports ˙

Aspectos del Curriculum Prescrito en América Latina: Revisión de tendencias contemporáneas en curriculum, indicadores de logro, estándares y otros instrumentos

En las aulas de América Latina tiene lugar una variedad de actividades mediante las cuales se crean oportunidades para que los estudiantes obtengan nuevos conocimientos, desarrollen nuevas capacidades y adquieran actitudes y disposiciones acerca de las diferentes áreas disciplinares. Docentes y estudiantes encarnan sus papeles en el aula, respectivamente, como…

Guillermo Ferrer

Reports ˙